&bull My zombie twin and I are Nominated at The Forbidden Awards -
forbiddenawards for best work in progress, alternate reality, and spuffy fanfiction.
• And we are nominated at the Lie To Me Award for The Endless Award, The Edge of Your Seat Award, The Not Another Like It Award, The Teamwork Award, The In The Shadows Award (for Andrew), The Unbelievably Not Real Award (for Christie)
http://www.freewebs.com/lietomeawards/index/index2.htm • And further blinks we are ALSO nominated at the Spuffy Awards(
http://spuffyawards.jaded-paradise.net/vote.php?p=all) Squuee go vote for us - its a voting site! We are in the Most Original Plot and General Angst
• And go into hysterical laughter in shock because I really thought people were not paying attention to the story much - we are nominated at Sunny D Awards (Vote for us *bats eyelashes*
http://sunnydawards.dragonydreams.com/nominees.html in Best Spuffy Angst, Original Character Christie and Conventional Pairing