Mar 14, 2005 13:09
Okay well, I need someone good.
I need someone who knows Live Journal like the back of their hand.
I need someone who knows HTML enough to get by.
I need someone who knows the Live Journal TOS and special Live Journal codes.
I need someone who has the time to check out the community every once in a while, make sure all is well and take care of business. I need someone who knows how to ban members if need be and take care of any crazy members (even though this community is pretty friendly).
I like the colors and lay out I did for this community but this community needs a new user info. I graduated in 2004 and know NOTHING of the new school. I need either a sophmore or junior so they will still be in the school next year. I need them to be able to create a good user info with pictures, similar to my set up.
Leave some comments.