Feb 16, 2009 08:42
It is quiet at work today. Presidents’ Day has the public schools closed, so one of my co-workers with children stayed home. Another called in sick, and a third has a young child she is letting sleep since he wasn’t feeling well, so she’ll be in late, or not at all. And this is all in my immediate office area, so that leaves me and one co-worker and a quiet Monday.
I made Chicken Marsala for Toby last night, and ended up preparing roasted asparagus (thanks to everyone who chimed in with cooking tips for the asparagus). It was okay, but I think (from what I’ve read) that it would have been better if I’d had thicker stalks. Cheesecake for dessert was also a hit.
I was a bit embarrassed by the state of my office when my parents came. I’ve got a lot of papers spread out all over the floor (I’m sorting it into piles, and waiting for a filing cabinet so I can put it away). I was pleased, though, that my dad seemed excited about the café idea, though he did caution that restaurants / food service are the hardest small business to run since there is such a margin for dishonesty among employees - and lack of quality control, if one of the owners isn’t there.
I’ve hit a lull with my writing. I think I’m at the “fill the well” stage. Nothing I’m working on seems to be working right, or even really holding my interest. Although my last writing burst did result in a happy rejection letter. I submitted a story to “The First Line,” and though I got what feels like the standard form rejection e-mail, there was also a personal note at the bottom:
“The writing was excellent, Christy. I enjoyed it. It just came down to the fact that we had too many similar stories. Please try us again.”
Don’t worry. I will :-D Now I just need to figure out what to do with that story. I’ll probably end up posting it (friends locked) over on my writing journal, for those who are interested in seeing it / to allow me to delight in the whole thing just a little more.