Week in review

Jan 19, 2008 11:20

Happy Birthday to my brother, David, my writing buddy
bookshelf_elf, and my co-worker Jay.

This week was week 9 of Artist Way project- after having a 2+ month break in my progress due to NaNo WriMo, Holidays and laziness. I still haven't completed the big task this week (re-reading the Morning Pages to look for and mark insights and actions) - the thing about putting this on hold for 2+ months is that I was still doing the morning pages about 95% of the time, so I have many, many days of 3-page ramblings to get through. And I have a hard time to try to sit down and do it. Week 9 may be 2 weeks long, but I WILL start week 10 on Jan. 27th at the latest.

Reading: this week I've read a little of the Artist Way book, much time reading Requiem for the Sun by Elizabeth Haydon, and only a little bit of Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy and my morning pages.

At work,  I found out that I've been missing a step for something I've been doing for 4 months, now. And I never knew. I think it got mentioned once, earlier, but for some reason it didn't stick, or it wasn't explained to me that it was a step for many of the updates I've been doing in the database. In any case I've not been doing it. Sigh. I'm still having a hard time getting along with my supervisor upstairs, so I try to make my meetings with her as efficient as possible, so I can go back to work. We also did some work on the mini-grant project. Trying to find an appropriate undergraduate class to take the survey is hard, so it looks like we'll have to use this one honors history class where most of the students aren't history majors, and have most likely not heard of the resources we are asking about in the survey.

For work I am also going to ALA Annual in June/July in Anaheim, CA. I am doing committee work, so I get more money to go. I need to register, start pricing airline tickets, and try to find a roommate(s).

This week the people putting our windows in finished - we have all new windows, and in the front of our house, a new bay window complete with window seat and storage under the seat. We bought the foam, fabric (a nice rich red) and zipper for the cushion, and the construction guy's mom will make that for us. For now we have a few of the sitting pillows my mom made me on the bench. We will need to paint the window- interior to match the current walls - exterior -well, we'll probably end up painting the entire house. We're still working on color choices. For now the outside is all white (primed and ready to go) and it is a great contrast to the coral color of the rest of our house.

I can't get these to rotate the right way :-(  *EDIT - RON IS AWESOME - THANKS FOR THE FIX

My eye was hurting on Thursday, and early Friday, so I went to the eye doctor yesterday. I have pinkeye. The hardest part is getting the medicated drops in my eye without missing and getting them caught up in the eyelashes.

My cats are wary of the Roomba. Abi hides, and Sarah stakes out a spot to sit and watch it go around the next room. The virtual walls are good because it keeps it confined.

We went to watch most of the women's gymnastics meet last night - Florida vs. Georgia. Georgia won the meet by .025 points. Very close. We were behind, and then one of the girls from Georgia fell when she was doing her beam routine. Some jerks near us started cheering and clapping when she did. I wanted to smack them.

Gym-wise - Alison and I went to the Zumba class this past Sunday - it was fun, and very warm and sticky afterwards. We hope the number of people in the class will decrease as the new year rings on. We figure a lot of people there starting out the new year with gym memberships. Monday we did the power-lo class, and then Wed and Fri. we skipped going. Today we did another round of the Dance Attack: Learn the Moves class. We want to do a few more of these before hitting an actual Dance Attack class, so we at least have a chance of recognizing some of the dances they are doing that class (apparently they run through about 15 a class, and Alison and I have seen / practiced 6).

Writing - worked on editing Simon and Millie project, and on Fallen skipped ahead 3 weeks. I'm not even sure I finished the scene I had been writing. I mean, I had come to a stopping point of sorts, but not one I felt was solid. But I was getting stagnant with it, not wanting to write. So I moved the story ahead, where I wanted to show next, wrote a fun scene, and now am thinking through what happened in the elapsed time, and if it is important to mention it ( I really just need to figure out what happened with Tyler during that time.)

Well, that's about it - other than being addicted to the Scrabulous feature in Facebook, that summarizes my week. I'm going to try to do this, see if it gets me back into journal writing. :-)
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