Oh hai! I has a sale!

Aug 23, 2009 01:26

Hi everyone! I know I've been kind of MIA and I promise I will have lots of things to say after things are done being crazy over here. But, I wanted to pop by with a little spam before I go to bed. I'm still having a 15% off sale on my Etsy shop! It will run until the day before my wedding. At which point, I will be putting the shop on vacation mode while I go away for my honeymoon. So, get stuff now while the gettin's good, because you won't be able to shop my store for a big chunk of September! PLUS, it's all 15% off and there are a bunch of sale items in there too! YAY!

Help send us on our honeymoon so we don't have to sleep at truck stops and eat french fries the whole time. ;-) I have lots of jewelry, herbal hot/cold packs, cloaks, tarot pouches, original art prints and magnets! Thanks for putting up with my spam!!

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