I finally have pictures to show!! My first costume entirely designed myself without the use of patterns to help me! I made everything except my shoes and underwear. :-D It certainly wasn't perfect, but I think it came out decent, considering my lack of experience with such things.
I have a couple that Myron took for me, a bunch that Seth (redseth.com) took, and a few of the costume on the dress form the show more details...
Thank you to Myron for taking these two!
The following pictures were taken by Seth Schwartz (www.redseth.com):
Just standing around in the club.
Costume contest...
Standing on stage in the light while addam pointed out that I had a painted on shimmery "mask" after some people were yelling that I wasn't wearing a mask. :-P
Standing in line as one of the remaining 3 (I didn't win, but that's okay!)
More of the costume contest...
And now, a few pictures on the dress form... This was before I hemmed it, but hey, it still looks almost the same.
The back of the costume on the dress form before hemming.
The back of the dress without wings, closer up.
Close-up shot of the front of the hip chain.
That's all folks! For now anyway... I know Henry said he had some pictures to send me too.