Humans are just along for the ride

Nov 01, 2004 07:40

Dateline: Brain burst.

Nothing in nature is ever perfectly cut and dry, black and white, night and day. There is no such thing as a completely pure substance or piece of matter. In that, nothing in nature or the universe fits into any one specific category. We know this because in science class we always had to do things in the "hypothetical world" because nothing of such 100% purity existed, and especially not in great abundance. So seeing as how nothing repeats itself twice in nature (fingerprints, snowflakes, etc...) nothing was meant to be forever. Things just keep changing and forming and progressing. Even if its a digression, technically its progression in a different form.

And there inlies the subjectivity of good and bad. If I win the lottery, that's good news for me, and bad news... there is a lot of paperwork to be done before i can just start spending like a mad man. However, let's say I just LOVED paperwork. Well winning the lottery would be twice as good. Or what if even I absolutely despised money but loved paperwork... would I take the good with the bad? You see, good and bad is all subject to point of view. There is no absolute good or bad. Things just happen, somethings are advantageous, others are not. Therefore there is no such possibility of an absolutely good being existing. Any intentions were merely "good" in his/her/its eyes. What may have seen like a good idea to have retarded people, its definitely a burden for a lot of people.

My brain is on overload recently. This futile strive for absolute truth and knowledge is so frustrating. It's one big circle, and its terrible too. "You must be at least this intelligent to ride this ride, folks!" Not implying anything about myself, but rather simply stating that some humans are more capable of understanding this than others. Thats biology. Some brains have bigger "intelligence" sections than others. But where I lack in ability to hold down my beer, perhaps I make up for in my reasoning ability... or is that phenomenon proportional...?

I have just tonight/this morning discovered the amazingness that is Nietzche. And the only reason I think he's so great, is because we think SO similarly. It's like reading my brain being interpeted slightly different by someone else. Most of the facts in my mind about philosophy in general and most peoples' minds are usually original in the sense that everyone starts off with a lot of the same candy to grab while growing up, but its which candy we eat most often which dictates how we eat (or acquire and interpret) our candy (knowledge) throughout the course of our lives.

And althought its a huge, encompassing, vicious cycle that tells me (and many other smartos) that knowledge is nothing. It's simply the word we apply to the right combination of neurons firing in our brains. Love is the word we use to describe that "tingly" feeling or whatever it is love describes. Love, Knowledge, God, Friendship, etc... are all words used to describe the general agreement on a specific notion or feeling. What is a stomach ache? its when ur stomach hurts right? Thats what mom said and thats what her mom said and her doctor's brother... so everyone just agreed on a word and a feeling, put those two things together and now some jerk gets rich off of pepto bismol! It just goes to show you what agreeing completely, or partially, as humans can do. Within 3 or 4 generations, if the idea has not yet been at least considered realistically (research, money, etc) of globalizing the world with one unit of currency, one language, one time zone, then we as humans might as well kill ourselves now. We realize that brains working together can be great. However, all our brains are all shaped to think like other people we grow up with. And also some languages have limitations on some subjects just because the idea has not been considered yet. Whatever thoughts we have, we always think of them in relation to us or in our terms, so really, we dont know what its like for a dog to hunt for food. We can just think we know what its like for them.

If you can learn one thing by simply looking around you and taking in all we know or take to be as facts, it should/can be this: we are all, as humans, sooo similar, we have the same basic needs and wills. Some of us fill these voids with cheeseburgers, some fill them with eggrolls. Other voids are filled with existentialism, while on the other hand, some prefer Judaism. Bottom line, we dont want to be wrong. We can pick any standpoint, and from there on out, we will justify ourselves until the cows come home. Im no more guilty than the next person, and thats not to pass the blame, but to rather state, My justifications are to make my sleep easier at night as well.

Whatever the case, god or not, we should be able to realize that obviously over time the concept has gotten way exaggerated, and also we have to realize our brains cant comprehend all there is in the universe. If god does exist, he doesnt look like a human at all and it certainly has no sex or gender differentiation. Either way, I didnt sleep tonight because these questions were unanswered. Even sleep must wait until self-realization, -justification and -actualization takes place.

I'm not forcing anyone to read or believe this. This is simply how I believe. Most great philosophers will agree that the only goal of philosophy is to create an idea and then convince people on why your idea is the best. And, that is every person's goal. Because you are the default. Which would become all basis for judging and everything of the sort. So in essence, philosophers are just the HUGE glory hogs. If anything, Jesus Christ was the greatest philosopher ever. In the sense of the word great, meaning anything advantageous that can come from something, meaning, JC reaped all the fucking benefits of being the shit.

Once upon a time in JC's life.... "Hey, I make sense. Wash my feet! You know what would be great, is if I could pull something off sooo great, it would almost be irrefutable evidence that I am "right". I know, I'll stage my own death! But how...? I got it. I'll just pretend to die on a cross, let them think I'm dead, throw me in a stone tomb, climb out the window, go bang Mary of Magdalene, then pay 2 bums to say they're angels and that I'll be back in a few days. Don't wait up, but I'm coming. and then I swoop down and show up, everyone thinks I was dead, now I'm alive and everything I say from here on out will be accepted as fact!! Bwuahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahaaaaaaaa. And while I'm at it, I'll make a few bucks on the side with my magic tricks. Ahhh, who am I kidding? What moron would actually think that I am the son of god?? god!? what the hell was a smoking that night when I came up with that? Whatever."

*And this, ladies and gents, is one good reason I don't believe in hell.*

And now in this oversimplification of Christianity for comedy and enlightening purposes:

Theme song: nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah, Blind Faith! x 4

Gee batman, what happens when you die?
Well April, you go to heaven for all eternity?
Wow batman, an eternity's a long time, what do you do in heaven?
In heaven, well, heaven is just like the greatest place ever?
So do I get to go bike riding with boys?
Absolutely not April?
Why not?
Because that doesnt make any sense? If you don't marry in heaven, you cant have sex EVER because thats just not how we do things in Christianity?
Aw that fucking blows?
Yeah, I guess it does?
Real quick batman, I need a 9 letter word for Cop-out/loophole... do you have any ideas?
Whats the first letter?
Well I'm not really sure, it's either an 8, or a C...
Well, since its probably not 875049381, it's gotta be Christianity.
Oh duh, I'm an idiot!
You sure are billy, you sure are.
My name is april, batman.
Who's batman?

Exactly. Who is batman?

FOR THOSE OF YOU WONDERING, i have not slept in a...while, all that was written was written before 9 am, november 1, and after 5 am, november 1. Therefore, I ramble, because I care. And I care because it's really late, and I couldn't sleep. And I couldnt sleep because of daylight savings time. And time of the daylight is being saved because _________________????? It's a half assed attempt to fudge factorize our concept of time and because its loaded with errors, we have to force most of the people on the world, who all have clocks because theyre all corporate WHORES, hahahaha, to manually set their clocks back...unless of course, theyre time is updated automatically, via satellite...!

I propose a global time. When its noon in China, since theyre commi's, once they control the world. We americans will be working from sundown to sun up. And we will soon be the one's supplying the latest craze in recycled optical illusions for the kids' meals at WokDonalds.

Seriosuly, when you drive into china from any one of its 14 bordering countries you see one of those road signs that says "Now entering China! We make all the world's useless crap."

And if you thought I shoulda shut up awhile ago, you just got your wish... Belated, like all of Uncle Charlie's most sincere birthday greetings. Plus an extra 5 bucks, cause he felt bad cause he actually remembered your birthday on time, and he even got you a birthday card on time, except since he bought it 3 days earlier than he techincally could/should have, those superfluous days were wasted in that they led to the inevitable yet premature demise of the birthday card. The generic yet moderately witty humor on this card will not be shared with grandma and grandpa this year. This year it has succomb to is its slow, sappy death between the jaws of time, space and a big, boney ass belonging to the unwelcomed, unsolicited Pampered Chef screen-door to screen-door saleswoman. Maybe next year you'll get your card on time, but it will be 5 dollars lighter. But you also don't have to deal with the guilt and shame your uncle had to deal with by having to go out and buy a second birthday card, this time belated, because he bought too early, he must buy belated now.... tis a sad cruel world in which nous habitons.

But my god, I've been typing away for the past 2 hours. nah, not 2, but mannnn, im tired. yeah, not 2 hrs, i started at 740, its only 900 now. and i bid you, bonne vie!
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