(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 15:11

I think life's full of times where you just go "Ohhhhhhhhh," in realization. Because all the time, things just start to make more sense as you get older.

Right now, I kinda realized that I'm not in college for myself. The only reason I am here is because of my parents. But that kinda sucks because I have to pay rent and get a job I don't want to have just so I can go to college. I know I've said it before, this is not what I want to be doing with my life presently. But then again, it makes things easier for after I graduate. But after I do graduate, I will recommence living for myself. I'll have the degree so if I want certain jobs, they'll be available. However, I intend on travelling the fuck out of this thing we call the planet after May 2007. I also intend on just finding random jobs around the world to make some scratch and hopefully I'll find a wonderful girl along the way.

Some sad news, apparently I canNOT major in International Studies and minor in French. That pisses me off, cause my advisor knew i was a french minor and he didnt tell me i couldnt do that. bastard. i gotta rethink things now. pissing me off. i might minor in journalism, if thats even possible.
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