1. Do not go
outside. Outside
= Terrorism.
2. Tell everyone you know
about the threat of terrorism. The key here is to scare as many people as
possible into being cautious. Everyone knows that fear can fight terrorism, the
more fear you spread, the safer you are.
3. Petition your sate and
local government to install metal detectors everywhere. When your kids go to
school, don't you want them to have the comfort of being searched every day?
That is what makes schools safe.
4. All Muslims are terrorists,
do not trust them. In fact, do not trust Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, or Jews. They
may look innocent, but for all you know, they could be Muslim too.
5. Put the American flag
everywhere. The more bumper-stickers, shirts, flags, and posters that support
the US you have, the better. When terrorist see how much pride you have, they
will leave you alone.
6. Keep
a loaded gun under your pillow at all times. If the terrorist come into
your house, you have a right to protect your family from being terrorized and
the only way to do that is to shoot anything that moves.
7. Only
watch CNN. They know everything about terrorism and what is going on
the world and they never have any bias.
8. Realize
that you are never safe. Even though no one from the middle-east has
ever heard of your ass-backwards, hick town, it still doesn't mean it isn't a
major terrorist target. Be prepared for attack at any time.
I hope this guide helped, and
remember, never trust anyone that isn't yourself, affiliated with CNN, or George
W. Bush.
The definitive outline of the american way. Almost brought a tear to my cheek the first time I read it.