The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones-

Jun 24, 2019 23:59

Character Information
NAME:Arthur Kirkland
CODENAME (IF APPLICABLE): If he had one previously then he's completely oblivious to it now!
SOURCE: Axis Powers Hetalia
AGE: 21
GENDER: Male, I'm sure.
OCCUPATION: What I know of that last Arthur was that he was a teacher at the Institute. So I'm hoping to keep that. But due to his prior predicament what with reality being jarred and all? We're flashing back to the past where he was a freelance hero and book writer. But will be returning back to the school in search of clues as to what happened and who he used to be. Or was. Time warping is a crazy thing.

AU BACKGROUND: Arthur is pretty sure his parents died when he was fairly young. He can barely remember the faces of his parents and remember the kind voices of the workers on his estate much more than the sweet sound of his mother's lullaby. That's perfectly alright, he thinks. Without the memories his heart can't feel forlorn and living day to day is much easier. Up until the point that he met Francis Bonnefoy.

Until that point he was living a carefree life where he could do whatever he pleased whenever he pleased. Although, he was a stick in the mud even at such a tender age. There was simply no time to be mucking around doing frivolous things. There was always something much more dire to accomplish like homework or other various studies. He had no place in the middle of a park or frolicking in the rain like he assumed regular children did.

Though this could be completely due to the fact that he had almost no friends. No, that's not completely right. The maids and butlers in the mansion were his friends. Or... they were paid to be. He never bothered with details.

Back to the point at hand. Once upon a time he had a good life. It wasn't bothersome or annoying. Splendid really. Until a little French snot started nosing around his property.

Francis Bonnefoy was his name. And Arthur will never admit that the day that he met him had to be the singular moment that any bit of common sense he had had went out the window. Because an Arthur with common sense did not bother to be friends with such a young man that dressed himself in frilly things or wore his hair in ribbons. Nor would he stand to be around someone so vulgar, trash flowing so freely from what was soon to become his idol's trap. Yet somehow that happened. They became friends. If that is the correct term to use...

But just as quickly as the friendship began, it ended. The two lost touch somewhere amongst their teen years and Arthur was left the continue growing on his own. They continued to write and keep up with each other's lives as much as they possibly could. But they were both selfish people. Good tidings only last so long before becoming stale.

In the meantime Arthur decided to spend more and more time paying attention to the little fantasies fluttering through his mind. He'd never bothered to mention to anybody, not even Francis [whom may I mention again he is only forced to be friends with], that he'd had these odd thoughts since he'd been a wee child. A fairy there and a gnome scampering across his lawn late at night. It finally occurred to him when he'd reached a good age of twenty that he could indeed be bonkers. Absolutely insane. And decided to use his creative mind to write children's books.

Children were a species that could adore his brains offerings without demanding he attend a nearby loony bin.

It was when the thoughts started to become more solid that he began to worry. A spirit jarring him asleep by tugging at his hair or Nessy under his bed. He willed them away, but they only seemed to come back in higher quantity. He'd meant to go to somebody that could maybe help the damn things flee his mind, but who would believe him? Absolutely nobody that's who!

So he decides to see Francis one day. Have a discussion. Talk about the weather.

One thing leads to another. Somewhere down the line Arthur decides that getting closer to the man is the best way to cure his mystical beats syndrome. And then-

He's brought back to realty. Where having the man so close to him did indeed give him the creeps and turn him pale. Oblivious of what just transpired Arthur panics, sending the moment in ice. It's not something he remembers the fine details of even to this day, but it was a needed adventure for him to figure out that all those tiny things that had been hopping out of his ears at night hadn't been some neurological mishap. It was something far more special. A mutation.

And Francis had a mutation. One that apparently makes people outrageously horny. After thawing out the room Arthur gave him a right punch for that. He refuses to talk about that day and is pretty sure that if his power also included selective memory he could make millions.

Somehow the manifestation of his mutant abilities brought him into the hero circle. He'd fought a villain once or twice, but never thought enough of it to make a name for himself. Or get a cape. Sure there were perks like applause and a hearty fan base. The flying wasn't all that bad, either... But he'd much rather settle at home. Be happy at home. Make a family at home.

So he did just that.

He adopted a young boy named Alfred. A royal brat with only the best intentions. He'll never admit it, but bringing that sloppy wanker into his life was probably the best thing for him. Their time together was the best he ever had. Raising Al so that he could be a good man in the light of society.

This part here is where we fast-forward through all of the past Arthur's storyline. Meeting up with Francis and finding that he had a son as well/They decide that the boys should be together a majority of the time/Send them to Xavier's.

We are also keeping the part where Francis and Arthur follow soon after to teach at the school. Though I'd like to change Arthur's classes to Reality Warping 101 and English Literature. Not old English. Beowulf is not my cup of tea.

What we decided to alter is when Arthur suddenly vanishes from the school. The players filled in that it was because Arthur went back to England. And we will be keeping that. But we're saying it was for hero-ing that needed to be done. Francis soon came after Arthur to help with the hero-ing and then some silly things happened. Somehow during the fight with the [fill in something here] Arthur's powers backfired and sent the two back into the past physically and mentally.

Now they are currently 21-22 and searching for any bit of information they can find regarding what happened and why they have pictures of awful looking children on their fridge doors.

We decided this due to two things.

1. So that I could play Arthur in a 'new' setting. Where everyone gets what they want. Matt and All get their fathers and I get to play a brat.
2. Francis' Mun wanted to play a younger version while still keeping the previous story. Now it is possible.

Anyway, back to the story.

Currently Francis and Arthur are on their way to the Xavier Institute to have a little talk with the staff as to how on Earth someone would be stupid enough to let them adopt children. I mean, really.


He can be one. To most people. People that bother him. People that breath... But underneath the crusty exterior is a man who enjoys spending time with those he cares for and isn't at all against a bit of nonsense now and again. Though that's an Arthur not completely drunk off his arse. And when around people who really, REALLY know him he can be a royal riot. A vulgar man with no sense of the term foot in mouth. He can be horrible, clumsy, tsundere, a bit of a shit, and tons of fun to be around.

That personality really changes constantly. But in the end, no matter how frustrating it may be, he is a good chap. Someone you can depend on. A family man. A proud man.

He is. Arthur Kirkland.

With a side of something horrible. Don't eat that.


To sum it up.

Further summary: Shorter than the average man and will gladly curb stomp any gentleman that says anything about it. Or stare at them very, very angrily. He also has dirty blond hair, green eyes, the brows only a true man could carry and legs for miles. Lemme tell you.


Also makes awesome, mystical things pop out of his arse and/or brain from time to time. Now he has full control over it and does so at random for jollies. So look forward to the occasional troll skipping around to deliver his newsletter or grades.


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