xposted errrrywhere

Dec 03, 2009 11:28

Longing to be responsible in the more irresponsible of ways (irresponsible in the most responsible way). By that I mean that I want to run around and do what I want without obligations. Right now I want to be up north, amongst jack pines and towering white pines. I wish it were late May again, hookaing by a campfire with the High Lifers. I wish I were by myself by the lake at midnight, searching for the moon. I want to smell the forest and hug the trees.
But i'm responsible. so i'm here, in a computer lab in Green Hall, doing reading (procrastinating) for class.
I realize that money, for whatever reason, is important, and that I will, in all reality, never be able to survive long-term without it. Err, survive in the modern world without it. So I work. I must. But there's so much I'd rather be doingggggg.
Best way to live (ir)responsibly? Working part-time forever. this would not be a failure, but the biggest, most engaging, fulfilling option for heatherlois.

Don't let the bastards get you down.
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