Friends Only

Jun 17, 2005 14:27

ICON JOURNAL - afm_icons

So I'm making my journal the inevitable 'Friend's Only' Journal, not because I really want to or anything, but because I'm afraid of some snoopers who would use info against me on here. Not saying there is anyone that would, or that I really say anything damaging - but "stuff happens" lol. So if we have alot in common like my Sci-Fi geekiness, then leave a comment and I'll friend you. I'm not gonna be an LJ tyrant =D
+ + +
Oh and the banner, that was a cute picture from the Stargate:Atlantis show Sanctuary. And I just made that line up. Not actual text! But you already knew that...

It has come to my attention that someone is hotlinking my images and stealing my Photobucket
Bandwidth. I will no longer be posting any 'Public' Icon posts here, but I will have an Icon journal where you can join to see my icons. I will post the link here later when it is completed.

ICON JOURNAL - afm_icons
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