Nov 30, 2004 18:55
well, guys i'm sorry for making such depressing and useless posts. so here's one that's just plain and mild. i have a lot of stuff to be thankful about and i'm losing sight of what's important. so here you go.
first of all i hope all of you had a good thanksgiving vacation. mine was all right, i was mostly lazy, which i haven't been in ever. jaimie and i hung out most of the time where we wreaked havoc on the galleria and had some in-depth discussions. the last day of the break, i hung out with kelly, im-ed a bunch of her friends who i didn't know and we took semi-nude photos. that was fun and i'm going to start construction on a book that's going to be filled with photos of only naked people. nakedness should be celebrated, not shunned. so, if any of you want to be in it, just let me know. it's not in any way meant to be porn, and if you don't want anyone to see it, that's ok, but the fact is people are going to see it, so if you're modest, i'm sorry. but this book is to get the word out that "yeah we're naked, and we don't care", so, if you don't want people to see it, that makes it rather difficult for me to put you in the book. and...yep. that was thanksgiving break guys.
and for more exciting news, my birthday party is THIS WEEKEND! and my actual birthday is in ONE WEEK! i'm very happy and hope to see all of you there. as for stuff i want... well, money is always good, but if you don't want to give me that, gift certificates are just as good, and if you want to get me something else, i want a guitar case [gig bag i mean, not a hard case (if you don't know the difference, the hard ones are expensive to the max)], Ixnay on the Hombre by the offspring [a cd], the yeah yeah yeahs first album, sweaters, scarfs, gloves, stuff for winter cause i'm going to NY in Feb., and... i don't know. i mean there's a lot more i want, especially cds, but when i'm actually asked to name all of them, i just suddenly forget. but, really, anything will be appreciated, it's not like i'm gonna hate whatever you give me. i'm just glad that i'm lucky enough to GET presents in the first place. so anything is cool. posters are nice too, but if they have people facing the camera or something like that, then i can't take it. it's a long story, but please just don't give me one like that. and um, yeah, that's about it.
and a final announcement. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW PLAY/S GUITAR, BASS, OR DRUMS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW. LATELY I'VE BEEN IN A PERIOD OF INSPIRATION REGARDING MUSIC, AND I AM VERY DESPERATE FOR BAND-AGE. PLEASE, ANYONE AT ALL, TELL ME. although, i think i'm getting a drummer at least. so if you know a drummer, tell me, but wait a little bit until i say yay or nay.
and thank all of you guys for listening. i don't think any of you know how much you mean to me.