Nov 02, 2004 19:55
well, i deleted the other entry 'cause it was boring. for the rizzle, who posts quizzes twice? losers, that's who. so, since tonight is quite a busy night, i think i will update about this
no, seriously, i mean that. whoever is elected will kill not only us but the rest of the world too. then there will be no more living people and we won't be able to have any other elections. so really, unless p. diddy is elected, it's over.
hopefully by now i have successfully drawn you into my post. now i shall rant about how much i hate both candidates and how much i hate people when it comes to this election. and you will read it and it will be fun. yes.
Bush: oh god, what do i even have to say? one word, Bush. but, i won't be ignorant and end it with that, so let me make a list of why you shouldn't vote for Bush, starting with GOOD and LEGITIMITE main reasons [i'll explain that later]:
1. i fear he may start another war, this time with north korea. this time, it'll be a nuclear war, and we'll actually experience civilian tragedies this time. i also believe he may go to war with sudan. you know, his whole "axis of evil" thing. whatever.
2. he's not exactly helping our economy. he sent us into the first recession this country has seen since about 50+ years, i don't remember the figures exactly. yes, he did bring us out, but we are still over 6 billion dollars in debt, and this prolonged war isn't helping. actually, i think we're 2 trillion dollars in debt. it was something where you don't even think it's a real number, you know, like bajillion or something. way too high for my comfort, not sure about the rest of you.
3. he's a complete homophobe, and one of my extremely good friends is gay, plus i have other gay and bi friends. plus, an amendment? that's a tab bit overboard, don't you think? plus plus, basically what it's saying is that the government can just go and tell you who you can and cannot love. all this due to religion, which, by the way, i do believe we have this nifty little thing called SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. what's next, they'll tell us where we can live? what job we get? when it is designated breathing time? sorry, but i believe government should be used strictly for traffic and foreign relations. i don't like being told how to live.
4. oh yeah, did i mention pre-emptive war for only money and glory? 'cause yeah, that's a pretty bad thing. yes, this goes along with the first thing i mentioned, but still, what he did is not forgivable, and we do not need a future filled with all kinds of fun like we've been having.
5. how much has medicare increased now? about 357012375923 percent? yeah, that sounds accurate to me.
those were my main reasons, here's some of the little ones that drive me crazy.
6. he's here to communicate with foreign countries. what a good job he's been doing, what with the fact that he CAN'T SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH.
7. ah, our lovely environment, the skies have gotten clearer now haven't they? oh wait a minute, they haven't. he says he voted for the 'clear skies project', but he also could have voted for my ass to be on the 5-dollar bill for all i know.
8. at first he says he's against stem cell research, but then he gives scientists funding to perform stem cell research. yet, only 11% of that funding actually goes towards stem cell research. where is that money going? are we a little desperate for votes, bush? and he's hung up on calling kerry a flip-flopper? umm, right.
9. he's made it harder for teachers to retire with benefits, not like we don't have enough of a shortage of teachers already.
10. he keeps funding private schools and neglecting public schools. i already think our education system is the crappiest one ever, so what's with making it worse, bush?
and i'll stop there, but i could go on. oh, i could go on. but, now, now, we must save room for kerry.
1. oh, here's a great idea, i'm going to take a crumbling economy and to its economic burdens the burden of supporting the entire country's health care system! yeah, that's realistic kerry. let's add to that that we won't be able to get drugs that work and won't have enough of them. so yay! let's all get vaccinated with 3 cents a bottle antibiotics from afghanistan that are probably laced with god knows what. to add to that, let's RATION this crap.
2. kerry wouldn't take us to war, no sir, not with that purple heart he's got. no, the purple heart award isn't from the military, which is usually affiliated with WAR. plus, we can't forget, he did vote for us to go to war with iraq.
3. he says he's going to get us out of debt, carry medicare, and not raise taxes for us. instead, he'll only tax the top bracket, yeah, a whole 1% of the population. that'll work really well, i know.
4. he voted against a bill that had a pregnant mother contact the father of her child. the baby is just as much the fathers as the mothers. now, if she was raped, then the attorney can notify him, if they know who he is. he still has the right to know.
5. and i'm putting this in 'cause i want to. he's the cockiest bastard this earth has ever known.
now i know there's appr. twice as many negatives about bush than kerry, but mind you, bush has already been president, so he's had more to mess up. if kerry's elected, i guarantee you, kerry's list will be longer than bush's by the end of his term.
now, as far as people go when it comes to this election, i hate it how everyone is making kerry out to be god just because they don't like bush. or they don't like bush because their band tells them to. first of all, kerry is very dangerous to the world because we are a world power and trade with way too many countries. if we fall into a depression due to his unrealistic economic policies, the world, unfortunately, falls with us. plus, you can't really name anything good about his policies. there's only about one or two, but then again, there's one or two bush policies i find at least tolerant. so what makes kerry a better president? plus, the two main reasons people don't like bush are so completely stupid and ignorant it's insane. the first one is: oh, he'll take us to war. yeah, and kerry won't? maybe kerry's less enthused about it, but he would still do it. plus, he'd be a complete puppet for congress, so it doesn't really matter whether he likes it or not, it would still happen regardless. the second one is: he can't speak proper english. yeah, him and about 4.5 billion other people. yes, he's elected to represent us, but how many other countries are going to know that what he's saying is wrong? plus, that's a reason not to like him, it should in no way be a main reason for him to not be elected. notice it was under my "little" things list, not my "main reasons" list. the majority of people can't name more than ten things they don't like about bush. why? because my band doesn't like him, so that means i can't like him. about 99.9999999999% of all people who hate bush fall into that category. sad, huh?
but, to wrap that up, here's my entire post in one sentence: both bush and kerry will be the end of us, and america has seriously proven itself to be the dumbest, most ignorant country ever.
but, i think no one should vote at all. the electoral congress elects the president, not you. actually, it's funny. bush is ahead in the polls, but kerry's ahead in the e. congress. if kerry wins, i will run around and scream "i told you so" around campus. yep, losers.
but, this post is way too long, so i'll end now. this was just a little food for thought for my small-minded children.
peace [hopefully]