Title: You'll enjoy this
Author: Anonymous
Date: 2009-02-12 14:06 (local)
Status: Track?
she really is senora crazypants
http://documents.co.shelby.tn.us/affidavits/index.aspx type in booking number 09200424
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Title: Re: You'll enjoy this
Author: dulzura_implaca
Date: 2009-02-12 14:13 (local)
Status: Track?
Wow. All I can say is wow.
Is this K. or D.?
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Title: Re: You'll enjoy this
Author: Anonymous
Date: 2009-02-12 20:56 (local)
Status: Track?
someone else whose disgusded
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Title: Re: You'll enjoy this
Author: Anonymous
Date: 2009-02-12 21:05 (local)
Status: Track?
i love a mystery...
the whole thing with her is insane...
i love that fat feebee and her friends have enough time to keep up with what's going on in my life. as if everyone didn't already know about what happened last month. what mystery? i thought it was common knowledge.
i do wish they'd found my mug shot for me on line. i haven't been assed to look for stuff about my case cause, well, i see it off the internets. i did try to find my mug shot, but no luck.
seriously, i feel really special that these people i don't even know anymore are that concerned with what i'm up to.
the unfortunate thing is that they've probably already gotten to hear all the good n' dirty details since i had to have mark's assitance when i was finally able to return to my apartment that weekend and so i told him and danica all the dirt of what was up. really, takes all the fun out of it if someone was directly told by me what was up.
really...i should be nice and type out exactly what's up with my case right now and what happened with my relationship with matt. it'd be great reading material for these people......but i just didn't think the interworkings of my life were that interesting. i guess to those kinda people, my life is pretty colorful. still, i'm glad i got more stuff to do than that. (btw, thanks for telling me that post had been added to, dollface! i wouldn't have ever thought to go look. but from now on, don't bother. i just don't care anymore.) it does take some balls for them to call me crazy and yet they spend time finding out what's up in my life...um...yeah.....
so tell ya what....if you want to know what happened, go ask matt. i'm sure he will be honest and forth coming about everything that happened that night and the months that led up to it. my side of the story is much less colorful, and quite boring. he's much better at conversation than i am. and given the state of things, he's much more likely to want to join in on ya'll's tori tear-downs. i'm sure he has shit to add that will even make ya'll's busy little jaws drop. and there's a good chance it's true. as far as for what i have to say on that subject, well, it's not for the public. i do hold a few things close to my heart, and right now, my thoughts and feelings on that entire subject...from the relationship i had with him over the past few years to the present..all the good and all the bad, i'm just not interested in sharing. and it wouldn't matter if i was, as people like the ones i'm talking about here would rather make up what they want anyway...i know they dont actually give two shits about how matt might feel or how i might feel. empathy is impossible for people that find sport in other's supposed mis fortunes.
and frankly, directly to fat feebee....think whatever you want and enjoy all the dirt you can find on me. i am what i am, and, as long as i'm not you and don't have people like you in my life anymore, i don't care what you find out about me and post on the internet or tell to anyone who doesn't already see you as a mean old drunk lady who always has some dirt or something negative to say about others. want me to get you the pass word to my photobucket account that has some old racy pictures of me? or maybe you'd like access to my banking records? i still wonder how i didn't see you for exactly what chad said you were. they pick up my trash on mondays i think, and i try to take out the garabage on sunday evenings, if you want to come over and go thru the trash cans. but be careful...my cats poo like they are giant beasts and that shit STINKS....really...i can't believe my little cats can poop like that! i feel sorry for anyone that goes thru my trash!
the mentality of you women...to sit around and talk about each other...and i did it so so so many times.....if a girl was absent, she would be ripped to shreds by her supposed friends...and we ALL were guilty of it, and i was probably one of the worst given how i felt about myself at the time........i do not miss that at all. i'm glad for my time in such a gossip hungry gaggle or women. i'm glad i learned that as fun and wicked as those wine soaked conversations can be, they aren't what i want from my friendships. now when i hang out with my girls, if one of them isn't there, or, like poor danica, was just new to the group and prettier than the others, we'll miss the chick, but not discuss her negatively. when i see stuff like ya'll having nothing better to do than discuss me getting arrested last month, i'm not surprised. you'd think a group of reasonably educated, over 18 years old grown women had more, er, interesting topics. but it seems that's not the case. man this city needs more stuff to do!
the funny thing is, i think most people who encounter people like this see it how it is. some used to be kinda hot chick who got old boring and fat, gets drunk on wine and talks about nothing other than other people and all their fucked up life shit... and probably not even because the mentality there is "my shit don't stink"....the mentality there is obviously someone who is very unhappy and insecure....after a few drinks, that barely covered self loathing surfaces, but surfaces as snarks and blasts and whispered conversations about other's mis fortunes (or in my case, one of the best things that ever happened to me.) last week, we were some place...and there was a chick there that reminded me of fat feeb...obviously educated, well dressed for a yuppie, and she was sitting with these other couple of chicks and just murdering at the mouth about some girl who was on her way up to where ever we were....i ended up hanging with my boys in the other room cause it was so apparent that paying this idiot woman any attention was a waste of my time. she would never say anything new, interesting, or inspiring to me. she would not make me want to go home and start a new shirt, or site, listen to a band i'd never heard of, or anything. the best thing she had to talk about was someone else...and even that was done negatively and hatefully. why would i want to talk to someone like that? i've lived enough that i can decide on the front end if i like a new person...i don't need some bored and unhappy bitch's opinion messing up my judgement.
she would only have a lot to say about other people...and stuff in the past at that. what's the point? i don't hate myself enough to need to sit around and discuss other people.....the closest i've come to that was asking a friend how brinton was, and passing the info on to mark r. that brinton had been injured. ( i don't know brinton that well, so i didnt' show up at the hospital or even call. i hope he recovers, but i don't think i need to involve myself directly. )
for both that lady i met last week and fat feeb...get a good therapist and try to find some self value and ability to deal with life, not just shuffle thru the motions doing what ever mindless step that you think comes next. i don't care if you talk about me and call me crazy and dig and pry for tidbits of what i'm doing these days. i'm not even angry about it, but kinda flattered. and even tho i don't know that lady from last week, and don't really know any of you memphis people that seem to have such strong opinions on me....i truly hope your life fills up with experiences that give you something better to do than spend the next three hours figuring out the snarkiest comment you can leave. i hope i see you out and about having a blast and loving your life so much you don't give a shit i'm there or about anything other than how awesome your life is. life's too short to waste it on crap like internet drama and gossip.
i'm still glad that i've had ever life experience i've had so far. i'm glad i wasted a few years in dead end friendships that were based on nothing more than talking shit about other people and alcohol...when i meet someone like that woman from last week i know what she is...just another drunken 30 something who is obviously unhappy with some part of herself and projects that by trying to break down others. i can just nodd politely, say nice to meet you, and go back to discussing things that inspire me to seek out more in life than just myself and my small social circle. it's apparent i'm doing something right if my life's events are interesting enough for people i don't know to go posting up things on the internets.
maybe in a few weeks i'll discuss the case or the other interesting things i've been up to. i doubt my encouragement to seek more fun and productive conversation topics will fall on open ears. this here post will just become more fodder for the type of people i don't know anymore to point and laugh at, making observations and comments that support their opinions. i'll keep their cats in my thoughts (hey...no matter what i think of a human, their cat(s) are special and deserve nothing less than thoughts of care and concern, especially if they are in ill health. you just don't fuck with someone's cats. that's like going after their kids. not cool not cool.) and i'll keep being me and enjoying that other people find me that interesting...and i guess i'll keep tearing up perfectly good t shirts and finding new ways to get my stupid mohawk to stand up....and whatever else seems interesting to me. i know i'm getting closer and closer to the person i want to be...at one time my reaction to being shown those commments about my arrest would have led me to call up fat feeb's employment downtown, and ask them if they knew an employee was engaging in such behavior.....but i have no desire to do that. why would i want to fuck with someone's lively hood when they really haven't done anything to me? some one not having a life and needing to discuss mine really isn't worth my time to get involved. live and let live and be amused. like i said, i'm glad for all that has happened and all that comes next, if i can continue to shape myself into who i want to be, not who others see me as. and finally, i've gotten to a point that stupid childish vindictive things hold little interest to me. that's a pretty big change from a few years ago and i'm happy i've been able to change my mentality into some more healthy and much more fun.
in the mean time, really, you bored ass people should dig a little harder...there's a ton of juicy details out there for you if you know who to ask. hopefully you'll have a lot more good shit going on to fill your time up with than what i'm up to, but that hadn't happened by now, i doubt you ever will understand how to use life for what it's for.....so stay warm on those wine drinking nights while you're discussing everyone else. maybe one day you'll be interesting enough for me and those i spend my time with to talk about.
and maybe one day i will learn to use correct punctuation and less run on sentences. christ this was hard to re read.