Jan 15, 2009 10:52
child free/ stupid breeders...
ok, first i want to congradulate you on your ability to do exactly what you were designed to do...sorry, i don't find having a baby that big of a deal...maybe in like biblical times when there wasn't a lot of knowledge about infections or pain killers it was a big deal..but in modern times....get real. it's a big deal to you, but so is a new record coming out to me...but the rest of the world doesn't give a shit.
what really bugs the hell out of me is these women i keep meeting in memphis...they're all 'oh you should have a baby.it will change your mind' well no shit! if i popped on out i'm sure my perspective would change...just like if i ever get to go buy this new album i want, my mind will be different! i get that....but not only do i not want a kid right now, i have no way to take care of one or any interest in changing my crazy fun life style.....so i keep getting stuck into these awkward conversations with these dumb bitches about kids...and so i try to be polite and ask questions about their kids..how old, boys or girls, etc....and what i always find out is that these kids don't even fucking live with them!!!!!! and i don't mean like the kid splits his time 60/40 between mom's and dad's....like the kids never stay with them except maybe an occassional overnight visit!!!!
well fuck, then maybe i can have a kid! hell my cats require more care than that.
seriously...it is really quite sad...these chicks will be the ones that are all about going to printers (aaaacccckkk) at 3 am...and they want to talk about how great being a mom is...here is a quarter you dumb slut...if you are out drinking at 4 am and your child doesn't live with you....YOU ARE NOT A GOOD MOTHER. so for the love of all things typical in this city, don't tell me i need to have a baby. my mother won't take care of it for me.
and while i'm thinking about it...these stupid bitches are why i try to avoid dating men with children.