#000 - Application

Sep 26, 2009 14:56


Name: Nyoko
Livejournal Username: LadyNyoko
E-mail: LadyNyoko@hotmail.com
AIM/MSN: General - KyuubiKitsune666, Demyx Specific - waterdancerix
Current Characters at Luceti: None


Name: Demyx (The Melodious Nocturne)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, Looks around 19-20
Time Period: After his canon death
Wing Color: Dark Blue
To be more specific, something like this, which is one of the darkest shades of blue on his beloved sitar Arepeggio.
History: (Quoted from Demyx's KH Wiki article.)

Demyx's role in the Organization's plans is minor. He is sent after Sora on suggestion by Xigbar to find him and "liberate his true disposition", that is, to keep Sora on the path Organization XIII wish him to take. He also contacts Hades, but no deal was made and Demyx promptly flees, saying "Run, run away!", passing by Sora and co. and leaving them puzzled at his outburst. Later, Demyx steals the Olympus Stone, and soon encounters Sora within the Underworld once more. Although Sora doesn't understand the meaning of Demyx's objectives, nor why Demyx calls him Roxas, Demyx is unable to fulfill them and took the next ordered step, which is to attack Sora. Demyx at first only summons "forms" of water - water shaped into himself and musical notes, which then attacked Sora, Goofy and Donald - which he controlled with his sitar. He is unsuccessful in defeating Sora with his water forms, however, and escapes instead of continuing the fight.

Demyx confronts Sora later in Hollow Bastion during the Battle of 1000 Heartless, again greeting Sora in a rather friendly manner. However, Sora and his companions' response is hostile, even claiming that Demyx is unable to fight. Demyx still maintains his personality despite the insult, with only a "You shouldn't judge anyone by appearance" in a slightly deeper tone. But when Sora and co. claim that the Nobodies do not have hearts, Demyx's normal carefree air vanishes, and he silences them with a much darker tone and attacks the "traitor" again with all his strength. In the end, however, Demyx is defeated again and fatally wounded. After lamenting his loss, he fades into darkness, the first Organization XIII member to do so in Kingdom Hearts II.

It's worth noting that at this point, Demyx does not remember his death. He might remember it at a future point, but right now he has no knowledge that he is technically dead in his world. The last thing he remembers if leaving for the mission to Hollow Bastion. His memory fogs up after that and trying to remember too hard is liable to give him a headache.
Personality: Demyx is someone who is very casual and friendly, but at the same time rather cowardly. If given the chance, Demyx would heavily prefer doing simple information gathering over fighting. He doesn't consider himself the best fighter, but he's well aware he can hold his own in battle. He's a bit clumsy at times and is much less serious than most of his fellow Nobodies. He's very carefree and takes his role in the Organization lightly. He can be a bit forgetful at times, and usually has to have cue cards to remember his orders. While he is by no means unintelligent, at times he has a notable lack of common sense that can get him into trouble. Unlike most of the other Organization members, Demyx is of the opinion that Nobodies really do have hearts and are capable of feeling emotions. He has a tendency to get extremely upset when others disagree with this viewpoint. Despite the general consensus that Nobodies don't have emotions (and thus can't feel passion of any kind), Demyx does appear to be very passionate about one thing. Music. If asked he would genuinely admit that his first love is music, although that's not to say he isn't capable of loving other things.

-Fairly strong. Capable of carrying a weapon nearly as big as he is and swinging it around with relative ease.
-Good with his hands. Is capable of playing a Sitar in the middle of a battle.
-Fairly cunning when he puts his mind to it. This is demonstrated when, on Mission 46 in 358/2 Days, he cons Roxas into doing all the work for him.
-More observant than he lets on. It is stated in 358/2 Days by him that he does mostly Recon, which requires a fairly keen eye and a sharp mind.
-Pretty positive given his situation. Despite the rather bleak atmosphere of The World That Never Was, he easily continues his missions with a grin, something amazing given the nature of some of his superiors.

-Fairly lazy. He refers to this multiple times during conversations in 358/2 Days.
-While strong, he is physically weaker than most of his fellow Nobodies. He relies heavily on magic and it is stated on multiple occasions that he isn't suited to combat.
-Doesn't have an exceptional memory. Uses cue cards to help remember his orders.
-Potentially unstable. The sudden switch between his happy personality to his darker attitude before the final battle with Sora suggests this, but there is no way of knowing for sure.
-Fairly cowardly. He often runs from encounters and it is implied in 358/2 Days that he finds Larxene frightening.
-Unable to reconcile with his state of being. He continues to act as if he has emotions and insists that Nobodies do have hearts.


First Person: [There's a brief rustle of leaves, followed by the rather distinct sound of a male groaning. After a long moment, during which the male presumably is looking around, he finally speaks up.]

Alright, this is definitely not Hollow Bastion. There's too much greenery, and not enough creepy...

[Another rustle of leaves is heard, followed by the sound of the male patting himself down.]

Wait a minute... Where's my coat? No, wait. Why would anyone want to strip me while I was unconscious!?

[He's definitely starting to panic now, and after a few seconds lets out a curse. Unseen, he had just jerked rather violently while looking around, something that sent a rather sharp pain through his back. And shortly following the curse is a rather pronounced yelp of surprise.]

Why are there wings on my back!?

[The post cuts off rather suddenly then, but not before another rather creative string of confused and panicked cursing is heard.]

Third Person: For a long moment, all Demyx could think to do was to panic. He had no clue what world he was on, there were wings on his back, and it seemed that he'd been stripped when he was unconscious. For many, this would probably have been enough to downright terrify them, but Demyx wasn't exactly like them. After a few minutes which seemed like an eternity, the Nocturne finally calmed enough to take a better look around. The first thing he noticed was the notebook laying on the earth next to him - his name scrawled rather elegantly on the cover. Turquoise eyes narrowed slightly and he hesitantly bent down, lifting the book from the ground and casually flipping through it.

A split second later, he dropped it back to the earth with a surprised gasp. Right before his eyes, the once blank pages had suddenly filled with entries, little pictures beside the blocks of text. This was unlike anything he'd ever seen before, and once the initial shock died down he quickly scooped up the notebook once again. It did have his name on it... Of course, that only led him to another question. How had whoever had left this for him know his name? It wasn't exactly common knowledge among those outside the Organization. Which left the possibility that maybe this was done by someone he knew. That only made him even more confused, and the blond quickly turned his attention elsewhere. He was confused enough. He didn't need any more mysteries...

At least not when there was a very distinct throb in his left temple and his back felt like someone had just taken a riding crop to his shoulder blades. Demyx gave a low groan and gingerly tilted his head, trying to catch a glimpse of the wings that were now part of his back. It was difficult and the angle his head was at put just enough strain to make him wince in discomfort, but the strain was worth catching a glimpse of a rather small feathered wing.

He recognized the rather unique shade of blue instantly. It was one of the darkest shades of his sitar, something that made his lips quirk slightly. At least whoever had brought him here knew enough to pick just the right shade for these strange new appendages. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
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