Fanime 2007

May 27, 2007 19:22

This was the 3rd year I went to Fanime, and though not one of the better years, it wasn't a bad experience all together. jaina_torsec: it was pleasure to go to Fanime with you this year. Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy ourselves more fully at AX this year.

1. The registration line was hell this year. Regrettably, I did not pre-reg this year, and on Saturday, arckyosuke, jaina_torsec, and I waited for more than 3 hours in line. We arrived before lunch time (around 11:30 am), and finally got into the convention after 2 pm. I have to thank shinjixikari for getting chicken sandwiches for us while we waited in line, or else I would have starved. My back was killing me throughout the day.

2. shinjixikari had the most awesome costume this year. One of the most awesome--he was dressed as Hard Gay. I'd never seen so many people stalking tailing him, and when he walked through the convention, it was like the red sea parting for Moses.

3. There were a lot of cosplayers this year, and I'm sure everybody knew about the Gladiators (or was that cosplayers from 300)? I admit, their presence really stirred up the convention. :p I regret not being able to take a photo of a Fay and Sakura cosplayer while waiting in line; I should have ran out of line and tackled them before they went out of sight for the rest of the convention. However, I DID manage to get the Burger King. >D

4. It was a pleasure and immense inspiration to see Jo Chen at the convention. I also got an autograph on one of her prints. Somehow, after the convention, I've become inspired once more to work on some of my projects again. I've decided I'm not going to give up on writing or illustrating stories. That might have lain dormant when I lacked any kind of new inspiration, but I've recently got some ideas again.

I'll always understand that nothing I do is completely original. As long as I can derive satisfaction from doing something, I'll feel like I haven't wasted my time. I miss the days where I felt incredibly inspired with a story, drafting scripts, sketching a character design, or something or another. I probably will not pick up projects like Dark Pride once again, but some of the stories that fed into my projects will be related to the ones I'll be working on. I'll make another post on some ideas I've been working on (mentally), and have decided to pursue. It's time celerity had another update.


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