This is an mp4 file, and it's much clearer this time.
I finally managed to record Aster's talking directly from the computer. He seems to know when I'm trying to record him, and tends to fall silent. I hid a mic behind my laptop and put him right next to it. The recording is about 3 minutes long. I wanted to cut out the silence in the beginning and my talking, but I don't have a way of converting the mp4 file into a wav for editing, so I'm just going to leave it as it is. You can use QuickTime to play the file. The first minute is going to be silence, me talking to him, and him trying to run around on my keyboard. He starts to use his talking voice around 1:20. After that, he basically dominates the show for the rest of the clip, and I just say "Good Aster" and parrot some of his words. He's finally mastered how to say "Aster". XD It's funny how he started saying "Snowdrop" before he said "Aster".