hey everyone! we've been gone awhile, but there's been quite a lot of fic written during the hiatus so i think we're good to go! first sunday (late by a few hours) is popular pairings. this time we're taking them all from
kpop_olymfics round one, since all three big bang fic written were popular pairings. enjoy, and don't forget to pimp us out and to reader-rec :)
voices | unknown | recced by
thebaddestcielgdragon/seungri | r (sex, violence, necrophilia) | au
jiyong wants you to know his fetish isn't unhealthy.
i really like how this is a different kind of fic than big bang fandom usually gets. jiyong's condition isn't fully explained in detail so the reader is free to imagine what they want. also, seungri's role in this is great; how all his answers seem to play to jiyong's whims, and how blase and nonchalantly okay he seems to be with jiyong while everybody else is afraid of him. the little background details like "it feels like his father damning him to hell and back" gives good insight to why jiyong is the way he is - but in the end, the reader still isn't sure. in my opinion, the ambiguity is part of what makes this fic good.
when we were kings |
cokecane | recced by
daedorablegdragon/top | pg | canon (future)
jiyong, fashionista to failboat.
so often we see the big bang members as fashionable, glamorous, and cocksure, whether in au situations or the realities of canon.
cokecane turns this on its head with "when we were kings", a fic where they're forced to become regular joes after all of the fame. predictably, it's jiyong that has trouble with adjusting, but the way he adjusts is funny and fresh (moving furniture around, doing grape deliveries). we get glimpses of what the rest of the big bang members are doing now that they aren't in the group, and how they resist jiyong's barging into their lives is a treat to read. another big part of why i enjoyed this was because of the push-pull relationship he still holds with seunghyun even after all these years apart. they still bicker, jiyong still one-ups seunghyun, and seunghyun still lets him. most of all, i loved that despite all the changes in their lives, how they still came back to somebody familiar in the end.
it's all static, baby |
lovelyable | recced by
junsufangdragon/top | pg-13 (adult situations) | canon
how to get over somebody told backwards.
lovelyable did a great job with this fic. it's completely re-readable, most notably because of the handling of time, as well as the numerous references to real life events that can be easily skimmed on a first run-through. it does just enough to make your heart ache for what jiyong goes through, and yet the resolution is perfectly fitting given the situation. the narrative is taut and almost resigned, which i thought matched well with jiyong's frame of mind during the events of the fic. re-reading this fic is like peeling back layers; one can continually find something new with each time, and i think that's commendable in the fic world.