Sep 18, 2015 23:52
I work for the Catholic Church, which I love in general although we don't always agree on all issues all of the time. Most of the time that doesn't relally matter unless I am supposed to promote something that I am strongly opposed to. It's my job. (that's a whole other post)
I am really excited about our current Pope. In the past I have found myself somewhere between disinterested and dislike with some of our pervious Popes. They wrote a lot of really interesting social justice type things but we never had a papacy that was in such solidarity with those it professed to support. We should have. It is a significant part of our Catholic Social Teaching, but we never did.
Now this is not the liberal Pope that those of us on the left were really praying for, but Francis is authentically pastoral. He is the balm that the church so desperately needed... and he has had a lot of really great things to say. Now.. none of these are really terribly different from what past popes have said, but it's how he pairs action with word that makes it different.
Now he will be coming to the US next week for the first time. I am pretty hopeful that his message will reach those who need to hear it. I am hopeful that all of our legislators that profess to be Catholic will be moved to more authentically live their faith and support the weakest of our brothers and sisters.
When he comes next week I am going to get the chance to see him in person. It kind of feels like Christmas and my birthday wrapped up into one.Yep.. I am now the kid that reads papal encyclicals for fun.