Time to be an adult

Sep 18, 2015 21:45

It's funny that we spend most of our youth wanting to be adults and then adulthood trying to rekindle our youth.

There are some really great things about being an adult:

1) No curfew or bedtimes (Mind you I would probably be a better citizen/employee if I had a set bedtime, but that is beside the point.)
2) You can eat icecream for dinner. This is important in the summer. I love icecream. I even love soy icecream now that I am lactose intolerant.
3) Owning a car and house. Payments are not fun, but it's great to have your own things and space.
4) Kids. I don't actually have children of my own yet, but i really look forward to them. I can't wait to have kids. I love all of the children in my life and their ability to help me experiance the world as the truly magnificent place that it is.
5) Learning just how many things you really have no clue about. I think people might find this a strange thing to be considered one of my 'great things'. When you are young you assume that you know much about many things, the older I get the more I understand the level of my ignorance and the more excited I am to learrn new things in new ways from many people.
6) A stronger sense of self and purpose that comes with that. Direction. It's good to know who you are.

I feel like we also need to spend some time in our lives Not being an adult.* We can only take so much pressure/stress/responsibility before it starts to make us sick and I think it is good to be silly sometimes.
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