And... a moment of frivolity before going to the dump.

Oct 14, 2006 11:17

OK, this is just to creepy for words.

You are Vincent

You scored 8 good or evil, -1 spirituality, 5 power, and 19 intelligence!

Vincent Valentine, the lone ranger of Final Fantasy 7. Toting a handgun and a heaping helping of inner turmoil, Vincent wasn't a key character in the tale, but he made a great addition if you got him on your team. He was once a Turk - much like Tseng - but later realized he wasn't in the profession he felt right in doing. He paid dearly for his dissent, but came out of it with a bit more wisdom and a lot more power. He may have changed sides once before, but he's found his center now, and he's not about to let his demons drag him back from whence he came.

Perhaps you were once on the other side of things, but through experience and a few hard knocks, you've changed your ways - or kept yourself away from the bad side. You've gained a level of wisdom that might make you seem enigmatic, and a physical presence that may inspire fear, but you're good at heart even if you feel like life is one big gray area. You're good to have in a fight, and even better to have in a debate.

Similar characters include Delita(fft), Shadow(ff6), Amarant(ff9) and Squall(ff8)

Your polar opposite is Izlude. You can probably get along with Bahamut, and you could tolerate Sephiroth or Seymour.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 50% on purity

You scored higher than 12% on faith

You scored higher than 33% on strength

You scored higher than 64% on intelligence

Link: The Who are you in the FF Universe Test written by Helbereth on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Yeah, if you combined me at 13 and me at 14, it might be something like that.


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