today was alright.... woke up really early to be at UC at 7:30 on a saturday! coach dave drove me, sophia, and danny boy up to the st. peters oratorical competition in jersey city. there were 150 competitors, and each person had to write a 10 minute speech on "the most important challenge facing americans in the 21st century" i seriously memorized my whole 10 minute speech last night and this morning....ah the stress of procrastination. i love it.... it was weird tho cause i wasnt really nervous like i usually am before a forensics meet. but i didnt feel great either. it was like a different kind of nervous..... but yeah... had a good time there. nice little catered lunch. everyone broke to quarter-finals which means the top 25 and sophia broke to semis which was top 12 and she SHOULD HAVE gotten to finals but whatev... always next year. first place is 10,000 big ones, baby, so next year we're going to write our speeches way in advance and memorize them flaw-less-ly.
missed pac practice and the spanish exam for forensics... but oh well
tomorrow im going to immaculata to see "the wizard of oz" with allie and ally. my cousin is the scarecrow... should be some good clean fun.... and then over to moritzios for the english project. i might actually go there before the play too, but only sophia will be there so ill be working on it solo but with company.
i think these might be my final choices:
- Spanish 3 Ac
- English 3 AP
- Physics Ac
- Dance
- Religion
- Pre-Calc Ac
gotta hand that bitch in first thing on monday morning.... hopefully dance class didnt fill up yet.. (gotta give eger that application)... im like the last person in my grade to hand couse selections in... eh... gotta hand in a ticket form to nuwer for pac too...
when am i getting my hair cut? hmmmmm....
need some shut-eye, mwah! :-*