May 20, 2008 15:54
I'm now 17 weeks (and 1 day) pregnant. I told myself I'd write more often in here when I found out I was pregnant at 4ish weeks along, but uh, I guess I forgot! I just feel bad that I don't have many entries during the time I was pregnant with my girls. It's always fun to go back and read that kind of stuff.
Anyway, we had a pretty eventful weekend. Brandon's birthday was yesterday, but we celebrated last weekend since he had to work yesterday. I got him a Wii, along with an extra controller and the game Mario Party 8 (which might have been for my benefit more than his- I love that game LOL) AND.. we paid for an early ultrasound at Fetal Fotos on Saturday the 16th so we could find out our baby's gender as sort of a birthday gift to him. And what a birthday gift it was! We found out that IT'S A BOY!!! I thought I saw BabyBoy's "parts" a few times while the u/s tech was looking around at his heart and body parts, but I held my breath and waited for her to confirm it- and when she said those 3 words, I started crying. Brandon was like "Babe why are you crying? Did you want another girl?" I said *cry* "Noooo!! I didn't want a girl!" haha! I am SO ecstatic to be having a son. Finally. It sounds funny to say "finally", after all I only have 2 girls- it's not like I've been trying for a son for the past 8 kids. Lol. But I'm relieved because this is our last baby, and I did want a son. 3 girls would have been fun too, but wow imagine those crazy years with 3 hormonal teenage girls in the house.. no thanks!
I had to return all the baby girl clothes I've already bought (yes, I was that sure I was having a 3rd daughter) but I exchanged them for the cutest boy stuff :) we already have a good portion of his wardrobe, ha ha! I can't help it, I feel like I'm a new mom all over again. I'm a little nervous, I don't know what to do with a little boy.. especially those diaper changes, ack! I do have 3 younger brothers, and I've changed tons of their diapers, but come on. I was like 5 years old. I don't remember it. I'm afraid that wiping his little man-parts will hurt him. (Jeez, if I throw a cotton ball at Brandon's package he cries like a baby)
In other news! I'm still working on potty-training Chloe. She'll be 3 in July and I realllllly want her to be out of diapers completely by then. She's made some good progress (AKA sometimes she'll walk to the potty herself, and put on her big girl panties after she pees) but she still pees all over Grandma's white carpet too. Blah. I hear all kinds of stories from mom's who have "potty trained their toddler in under a day" but, is that even humanly possible? (Or humanEly possible? ha) Oh well. As long as she's out of diapers before October, I won't complain. I refuse to have 3 in diapers.