This is your last chance, America.

Jan 30, 2008 04:13

I never thought that I would do this. In all my years as a politically-engaged member of society, I could never imagine that I could give the United States of America the benefit of the doubt. But guess what: I think I'm about to do it. I am going to declare my love for Barack Obama.

In the interest of full disclosure:
I am currently a registered independent. When I first turned 18 (back in the halcyon days of 2003), I registered as a Democrat. I thought I might be one for years to come, and I wanted so badly to vote in that majestic primary of 2004. And I did. I voted for Dennis Kucinich. By the time the general election rolled around, I decided that I couldn't vote for John Kerry and his vote for the war in Iraq (among other things). I unhesitatingly voted for Ralph Nader. I was proud to do it. I thought that it sealed my fate as a lifelong, avowed independent and "radical" leftist.

But Jesus Christ I want Barack Obama to be president.

Prior to this month, I was content to write in Ralph Nader or any other Green Party candidate. As long as the Democrat won the White House (in my mind), progress would be made and I would be in keeping with my convictions. But Barack Obama has instilled in me a strange sensation. Though I'm sure that I would find a number of things with which to disagree with the inimitable Mr. Obama as president, he would make me feel really fucking good.

I haven't had faith in the United States government in a while. And while I still argue that the governing body of the U.S.A. is a fatally-flawed racist, sexist, capitalist paternalistic society bent on preserving the wealth and power of the elite, I want concrete validation that there's something America has that's worth preserving.

If the president of my country (which I have confessed to hating on more than one occaison) was named Barack fucking Hussein fucking Obama, I would feel as if some sort of progress had been made. If the president admitted to smoking and doing drugs, I would be satisfied. If I could turn on the State of the Union and feel something other than absolute contempt, I would weep with joy.

Perhaps I was born into a political era fraught with conservatism and dissillusionment. After all, I was 15 when George Bush was first elected to the presidency. I made a terrible parody of The Blair Witch Project that day and was pleased to have a day off from school. I can't recall the political or social climate of the Clinton years, but I wax nostalgic about them whenever possible. Barack Obama, at the very least, makes me believe that this country's ruling body produces more than blood and death and war and heartbreak and shit.

Again, I can't envision the utopia Barack Obama might found as easily as that of Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel or Ralph Nader (as unrealistic as that may be). But I will have been satiated in this country's drive to improve itself. This is your last fucking chance, America. I thought that you were already dead to me. But if you pull this shit off, perhaps I may not decided to raise my children in a commune or move to Canada.
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