(no subject)

Dec 21, 2008 23:25

This Journal isn't used anymore. Well not really anyway. I have another journal that I post my illustration on but at the moment that isn't used much either. I'm in the middle of creating a comic for my third year degree project. It's about the bus journey that I take most days between Louth and Grimsby, two places that feel like there in the arse end of nowhere but are actually on the East coast of England. There important places to me, don't take this as meaning that I like them. Louth I love in many ways it is what it is, a small town with all that entails. Louth is where I was born and live now, most of my live has been spent there so far. But Grimsby...well you can't really get a bigger shit hole the name is about right. But I'm doing my degree there and that'll be my escape route from here hopefully. I'm moving to Leeds once I've finished my degree so I can hopefully never set foot in Grimsby again, and so I can gather clients. I want to be a freelance Illustrator you see, whether that'll work out in the current global climate I'm still to see but I'm going to give it my best shot. All I can do really. The comic I make will make that point, I used to hate the bus journey between Louth and Grimsby, I've done it many many times. But these last couple of years I've not minded it so much it's bringing me closer to my escape from this area. the comic I make will explore what I think about the journey and what I think about whilst I make the journey oh and it will look at journies as a whole. I've just finished reading Alice in Sunderland by Bryan Talbot and it's really inspired me, though I don't think my first work of comic fitcion can hope to compare. I may post some of my comic on here or my other journal if I have time, if I feel like I want to show it to the internet at large.

Wow, sorry for this post being one unbroken whole I would format it but I'm tired and I want to crack on with my comic tomorrow.

If anyone reads this hope your feeling the spirit of the season a little more than me, I'm just going to work through it.


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