30 Day Shipping Challenge

Jun 04, 2011 23:31

 I was doing the 30 Day Shipping Challenge (from which I got from ultra_fic ) on Tumblr when I decided to post it here as well. Get ready to see 4 posts in a row from me.

Day 1: Current Favorite Ship - Jeff & Annie from Community

This ‘ship has given me so many of my fave ‘shipper type moments so soon, it isn’t funny. He calls her Milady which has always been a favorite term of endearment. When the Human Being scared her, his immediate reaction was to pull her into a comforting embrace. He went against his nature -to do the least amount of work possible- in order to help Annie win the debate because Simmons mocked her. Even though the obviously-already-hot-girl-lets-down-her-hair-and-becomes-even-more-hot moment is cliché, Jeff’s unguarded reaction of amazement is so good and Annie is so happy by his reaction that it became my favorite part of the Debate episode. More than Jeff’s nervousness at being close to Annie’s hot body because…hello…guy! Even More than the kiss at the end of the episode, though it should be noted that Jeff is so taken by Annie kissing him, he drops a paraplegic. Community even managed to touch on my Editor/Reporter ship which developed from Days’ Jack & Jennifer, got reinforced by a viewing of His Girl Friday, and was sadly never taken advantage with Lex & Chloe on Smallville. Another positive, unguarded Jeff reaction to the idea of Annie as a sexual prospect was interesting because she doesn’t get the reaction from Troy she expected. Nope, it came from Jeff instead. Their kiss at the end of Season 1 was initiated by Annie, but he’s the one who moves forward to kiss her more.

Season 2 started off rocky. We didn’t get anymore kisses, but I’m okay with it because those kisses would have been tainted by the knowledge of Jeff’s secret trysts with Britta. Instead, we had more emotional moments: Annie’s I Love You reveal and Jeff’s jealousy over Rich. Despite Jeff’s refusal to admit the “Annie of it all,” it’s there, and he can’t hide it much longer or continue to believe Annie isn’t maturing. In some cases, faster than he is.

In the end, Jeff & Annie have that perfect balance that I look for in all the couples I ship. They are similar enough where it counts, and different enough to keep the characters growing and interesting should the relationship go further. Annie is the best at going head to head with Jeff in a game of manipulation; she won’t back down; and she’ll be the one to see it through to the end. But she also feels the guilt of her actions sooner than Jeff does. She’ll learn her lesson quicker, and perhaps help Jeff learn his so he can be nicer to his friends.

jeff/annie, shipping challenge, fandom, community

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