More Respect for Being Lazy

Apr 29, 2008 00:39

Why do we value such a strong work ethic in the United States?

I went to my friend's baby shower on Sunday and I had to speak to a bunch of ladies who I knew from church (before I quit going), school, and because they worked with my mom.  Actually it was a mix of all three because my mother is a teacher and a good portion of the ladies who taught at her school also went to our church.  Anyways, back on point, of course since I've been off to college and now graduated, they have to do the standard "What are your future plans?" interrogation.  While I could say I'm looking into graduate school, that only gets me so far, especially since that is looking more and more like it's not going to happen.  So I have to say what are my plans afterwards.  And frankly telling people I want to be a screenwriter gets the weird looks and other questions:  Do you have any ideas? (Some, nothing concrete.)  Isn't that a difficult area to break into?  (Why I never thought about the agonizing rejection I'd have to go through?!  Thank you for pointing that out to me!)  What are your backup plans? (I'm totally going to bum off my parents.  They pretty much need me anyways since they can't remember where they put their car keys or glasses.)  What's your major?  English?  Are you going to go into teaching with that? (No because I've watched my mother come home exhausted and the pay is not worth it.)

Sure as of right now, I can bum around and still be okay because I only just graduated but I know what people are thinking.  This girl was in the top of her class and she's not doing anything.  Well you know why I was in the top of my class?  So I could get into college and get a scholarship for college which I did but it didn't help out enough.  And by the time I was in college I didn't care enough to keep up the perfection with grades that I had when I was in high school, but I did okay.  Only now I'm a college graduate with no job and school loans and I know when I go out to look for a job, I won't get hired because I don't have experience.  And I don't have experience because I was too busy making sure I made good grades.

So what I want is for being a bum to be rewarded.  I don't live to work.  I live to enjoy food, movies, television, and a good restful sleep.  Let me be praised for that.


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