Feb 04, 2005 19:39
Even though we don't talk. Your still that sparkle of life i got. if things get low that smile well get me goin. i can't believe u let it end on one thing. i could understand if it was the 3rd or 4th time. im sry for wut i done but if u can't even look at that argument n c that i tried to fix it theres nothing more u can do but keep nothing away. I never gave up. i just know u won't start it again. i don't know if this is really gone or not, but i can't do much but sit in wait.
The devil always takes the most important.
hes neva led me to be happy long.
Too all my true friends ive learned more then i was suppose to. Ive been the jerk i don't know but some times i might of put u down, or ditched u or wut ever but u still hung w/ me to the end. Your my family.
thank u.