I anticipated coming home to a repaired pipe, a nice supper, maybe a short nap and then the chance to actually interact for once on LJ (e.g. answer comments, read and maybe even leave some woefully late meaningful feedback). And of course, seeing
The God of Angst didn't hurt.
Instead the hole is still there, the pipe itself is still dripping down into my bathtub (thank god), and even though extremely tired (man, the crushing disappointment!), I made the mistake of first watching some of Bobby and got all teary eyed again.
So I chose to procrastinate in this manner:
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
You're probably in the final stages of a Ph.D. or otherwise finding a way to make your living out of reading. You are one of the literati. Other people's grammatical mistakes make you insane.
Dedicated Reader
Literate Good Citizen
Book Snob
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?Create Your Own Quiz And it's all
txvoodoo's fault!
And then of course my sheep brain took over and forced me to join in on "When you see a quote from Shakespeare in a journal, post one in yours."
I've seen this several times, so I'm gonna cheat and post more than one:
There's no art
To find the mind's construction in the face.
~ Macbeth, 1. 4
Because every time I see this line I can hear it. And there's something about it that tugs at my heart.
Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat.
~ Henry V, 4. 4
Heh. One of my favourite Shakespeare insults.
Now is the woodcock near the gin.
~ Twelfth Night, 2. 5
Because GIN. I mean, really. What more needs to be said?
And now I'm officially brain dead. And need to go to bed.
I'll try harder tomorrow. Promise.
claudia603, thank you!
Massive massive hugs to
josanpq. She knows why.