Run, do not walk, to
almostnever's post linking to
headdesk criticism of Dan Brown's immortal prose.
I am reminded of just how excruciatingly bad it was.
And yeah, I saw the movie this weekend with
josanpq. It's not BAD, the night cinematography is cool, Ron Howard does an pretty good job of explaining a lot of the theory through visuals, Ian McKellen STEALS the movie (of course) and Paul Bettany is, as always, HAWT, but in the end... meh.
Mulder and Scully could have done it so much better. :)
* I was informed by my brother earlier this year that I was a snob when I told him I thought it was possibly the most-badly written thing I'd ever had the misfortune to read.
ETA: How much do I love "Renowned author Dan Brown staggered through his formulaic opening sentence"?