
Mar 23, 2013 03:10

Whenever you're going hiking, you need to tell people where you're going!

I'm going to the Mt. Diablo peak. I'm taking Railroad out towards Walnut Creek, to Clayton, to Mitchell Canyon, then all the way up to the top.

I've always had a massive paranoia about stick shift cars suddenly not working on the way down a mountain (Even though, yes, I know about engine braking). I'm taking my iPod and my cell phone with me.

I know it's not hardcore hiking, but this paranoia wants me to do this, so I'm doing.

It's 2:30 in the morning right now, and I've finalized thoughts for my trip up to the top of Mt Diablo. I'm just going to the top.

I've got a lot to think about in my life, spesifically the things that make me happy. I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish in 2013. One of them is clean my room till it's finished, another is get rid of the things that I do not need.

I tend to hold on to ... stuff. In case. Stuff that holds memories. I have a hard time letting go of things that people have given me. I know that's holding me back. I should be able to discard things like yesterday's news, but, for some reason, I just can't. I'm learning though. I have some plans to build new shelves (With financial help from my artwork!)

I have a lot of plans, I guess.

Another thing I'd like to accomplish, I want to write a book. Something in me has always wanted to write. Every time I pick up one of my favorite novels, or one of my Witchcraft books (Particularly Ellen Dugan's books) I feel the flickering of a flame inside. I have the plot for an urban fantasy novel all...plotted out, I just need to do the sit down work and WRITE the damn thing.

I also want to write a WitchCraft book. I practice everyday witchcraft, meaning that I do little, subtle things. I feel that if I began working on a book, and living that life, it would be best for everyone involved. (That being pretty much me and my cat. Ha!)

I've always believed that I am extremely powerful. I've always believed that I am the power that can shape the world. In my high times, I have had things fall directly into place, Coincidences work typically in my favor, and everything is alright. It's just when I get down that things become difficult. To me, WitchCraft is how to use this power to better my life. There's no real reason we should suffer, so why suffer? Who's going to be impressed with your suffering?

I don't think, however, that I'm more powerful than anyone else. I've always thought that we shaped our world around us. Why was I let go from Mochi? I'm not sure yet, but I know I was requesting 'more time' to work on my room and get my life back into order. Maybe that's what this is. The getting things into order part of my life.

Whatever the reason, it's done, and when I need a new job, I will find it. Or it will find me. Until that point, maybe I should look at all of those things I was wishing to do.

And do them.

home, witchcraft

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