Wow, where's Wes been?

Oct 14, 2011 00:21

So, where have I been?

I've been kind of on vacation. I flew back home to be with my family for a little while, I've not seen them for a long time, and thought that since I've been unemployed, it would be a good idea to do so.

So, I did. I packed up and went back home. I flew, and it was a great flight. They even gave me a laptop to use on the flight. ^_^

I've done so much over the past few weeks.

My uncle had a brief part in the recent Jane Goodall movie. Gary Haun is my uncle, so if you see it, he's the blind magician. He's also the one that gave Jane the little monkey called Mr. H. It's Mr. H for Mr. Haun.

He's also a fantastic guy. He did a magic trick for my birthday, I've still got the card too. It says "Happy Birthday, Karissa!" (That's my 'real' name, by the way...)

I've gone to the House on the Rock, which I HIGHLY recommend if you find yourself in Wisconsin. My mom took me to Galena and Elk Grove (I think?) to go shopping at some Quilting stores. Mom's into quilting like crazy. Galena's a really neat little town. I totally had a chocolate covered Twinkie. >.>; Yeah, I know, I know. ::Grins:: It was fantastic! We also stopped by a photography studio (I think Cro can take better pictures, and...if he had a lot of money, he could do what this guy does, easy...) I got Dani a wallet that just...really reminded me of her, and I hope she likes it a lot!! I also got myself a few things.

We also went to my favorite fast food joint, Beef a Roo, I will forever crave those fries. We went to JMK Nippon, and I got to go to a bunch of SCA meetings with my friend, Tricia, who it was FANTASTIC to see again. It was like I never left. We fell right back into how we were before, it was totally brilliant. ::Grins:: We played a few battles of Pokemon, and Magic, and I got back into Pokemon quite a bit. ^_^;

I'm also taking my armor back with me, and I'm going to see about joining the SCA again. Prolly in Berkeley.

I also got to spend a lot of time with my sister. She's...pretty much the same. (Though, I do kind of laugh that all through my childhood she told me "It's so easy to lose weight, just stop eating so much!" And now she's packing on pounds.. >.>;)

Another thing that I was thrilled about doing was going up to visit Fox, Mbala, and Vantid! I absolutely ADORE their place, the new one, and the old one. I'm envious of their lives! ^_^ I drove up for the weekend, and they are fantastic hosts (And Fox is an amazing cook!) I really appreciate everything they did for me, and hope I was a good guest as well!!

Tricia also got me into playing Pokemon again. And I'm going to use it to treat myself to packs and play my friends over the internet. I got my sister, my brother in law, and my ...niece in law? Into playing it too. I'm glad to have contributed to something that they could all do together, and use as a reward system for her too. Plus, it's something we can all do, Tricia, me, Kasandra, Mario, can all do over the internet. ^_^

I got to see my grandparents, see my mom off on a Cruise... I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't (Chocolate twinkie?), got ten boxes of comic books sorted out, and's been an all around good time.

I also started checking my blood sugar. 85. That's pretty fantastic. 80-100 is considered 'normal' and I'm super at risk for diabeties. I don't want to get it, so...I'll be going back to 100% primal when I go home. Oh! I also got a GIANT gallon jug of coconut oil!

So, lovely time, but I do look forward to getting home.

So, that's where I've been. I'm really, really happy being here. I feel...recharged, and GODDESS I missed my family...

daily life

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