Okay, so I wake up at 5:00 But, I took a sleep-aid, because I went to bed at 9:30 but was still awake at 11:30...
So, I get out of bed at 6:55. Yeah, nearly two hours later.
I dress, find I lost 3lbs since my last weigh in (Awesome)
Then I can't find my pokewalker. This bums me out. I'm still not sure where it is.
I hurry along to the bus. I need to get into work early thanks to a 9:00 AM meeting. I get to the bus stop at 7:20, there's about...six of us.
7:45 rolls by. No bus.
Guy says "I've been here since 7:15."
Four people leave.
7:55 rolls by.
The 8:03 crowd gathers.
I call 511, "Yes," They say. "The SB is coming."
8:27, finally. Bus. Bus is SO PACKED that the three of us get on, and we're wedged in worse than sardines. There's a girl sitting in the stairwell. I shake my head, read my Being Human book and listen to music on my iPod.
Traffic jam.
After standing for two hours, I'm late to my 9:00 meeting. I get in...and they insist on talking. Why? I'm not sure. It's sprint planning. We just planned the sprint on Friday. I sat for an hour in THAT meeting too.
Roll around 11. I'm FUCKING FURIOUS that my time has been wasted.
But I just realize I'm hungry. I have some chips, and I'm mostly better. I sit down, and start work, then get an announcement that in 15 minutes I have ANOTHER meeting.
Luckily, this meeting is easier to tolerate, and I get to sit down to work. I relax, reading a few articles on Introversion (Which, I'm pretty sure I'm a hardcore introvert...INTP yo.)
Still kind of frustrated, but feeling better...
I think I'm going to go home, clean my bathroom, and set up my DVD player in my bedroom so I can obsessively watch Being Human in there, and not in the living room...