Jan 01, 2010 19:44

People have been talking about how awful the past ten years have been.

If this was in January, I would have agree with this statement.

I have learned SO MUCH this past year. How to really talk to people, how to improve my life, what people are expecting from me, who I can depend on, who I can't, so many, many things.

I'm going to take the next ten years, my 30s, to apply the things I learned in my 20's to my life, and really blossom into who I always should have been. I'm getting there, I want to be known as the WolfYeena with the smile on his face, not the wangsty emo bitch I have been. (Who, I'm almost clear of!)

I've got a new schedule for all of this!

4:00 AM: Get up, go out, walk till 5AM
5:00 AM: Shower, get ready for work.
6:00 AM: Go to work
5:00 PM: Come home from Work
6:00 PM: Go to the supermarket for fresh veggies for raw foods, bike home
7:00 PM: Make dinner, eat dinner
After dinner on Monday, Wed, Friday: Work on Webcomic and related things
After dinner on Tuesday, Thursday: Study Japanese
10:00 PM: Go to sleep

Rinse, repeat. Weekends free.

I'm going to be offline more and more. The way I have been the past few days. Being offline is more motivating for me, because if I'm online, I don't want to do anything else. I want to see the internet as something fun I can do for a reward, not the only thing that I do.

My room is almost clean, almost together to where I want it to be. I've got my webcomic to focus on, along with learning Japanese. I'm paying myself $20 for each comic page I finish, $25 for each one I get uploaded on time, I'm shooting for once a week. That's saving up for a cover image for the Sacred Grounds collected novel, which I will be publishing through Vanity Press. I'll also be selling at conventions, so, I'll need to balance that in there as well. I took on the hundred and sixty sketches in order to improve my art, I'm working on Sacred Grounds again...to improve my art. I'll also be finishing the 100 Manga theme challenge, complete with backgrounds and full color, so that I improve.

2010 is a year that I'll be dedicated like woah to my art, my hopes. I want to be an artist, and that is very, very important to me. I'm currently a mediocre artist, a middle of the road artist, just beneath what should be selling at FC. I want to be someone who people are asking "Will you be at FC? Are you going to be selling?" I know there's a ton of artists out there, and I'm tired of being middle of the road. Nothing spectacular. So, that's part of what this is all about. I'm tired of being passed up.

That's just me, and I'm the only one who can.

Happy 2010 y'all.

life, daily life

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