My shoes shipped!!
I should soon have some Chucks and I won't need to wrap these shoes up in duct tape! (It's wet, and my shoes actually suck up water into them. Sucks. Slurk slurk.)
Also, I finally found a book I'd been looking for for a while. HedgeWitch by Silver Ravenwolf. It seems when I need a gentle reminder to get up and SMILE the universe provides. There's a lot of people out there who don't like SRW, but, any insight on the spiritual things I enjoy is welcome, even if I don't actually use that particular view, ANYTHING that makes me go "huh." Is totally welcome.
I'd been sliding a little, falling back into old depressing habits. I refuse to go back to where I was, the extremely introverted depressed human being I was, and instead chose to embrace who I truly am.
WitchCraft inspires me. It gets me up, keeps me moving, helps me sort out my life and my space, and make things truly mine. WitchCraft is truly an integral part of who I, as a spiritual person, am.
I've been drawing a lot more recently, facilitated by my Cintiq tablet. Seriously, I can make amazing images with this thing, and my art improves with leaps each time I put pen to screen. I'm slowly mastering cell shading, and I'll be moving on into other types of shading as I do more and more art.
Speaking of art, like I said in my previous post, I'm a significant percentage finished with my commissions. I will NOT be taking any other commissions until Sacred Grounds is up and on a regular schedule.
Commissions AND free sketches are CLOSED until Sacred Grounds is up again.
I'm excited to have found my technique for working on SG! So, commissions and sketches are closed for the next few months, probably up through to Califur, at which point I'll be busy with convention stuff. I'm REALLY looking forward to selling again at Califur.
I'm sorry that so many of my friends are having difficult times at the moment, and, of course, I wish you all my very best over the next few months. If there's ever anything I can do, for any of you who are reading this, please, never hesitate to write me at or IM me at SacredGrounds05. I'm in a very good place right now, emotionally and spiritually. (Physically is the one I'm working on now! ...I say as I drink hot chocolate...) so I want to share the wealth while I'm able.
Heart you all.