As you all know, I'm a giant fan of
wolf_nymph's artwork, so I always recommend that you buy her prints/originals!
Unfortunately, it seems that there was a problem with her prints at AC. She gave them to
Lobanorth to sell at her table, and due to a bit of a communication error, the sleeve of prints was sold for the price of one print. (It can sometimes look like a print has a special backing, so it looks like you got the print/backing instead of multiple prints!)
If you got prints at all of Wolf Nymph's, check them please!
If you accidentally picked up multiple prints of Wolf Nymphs from Loba North's table (I don't know what name she's going by at conventions these days...) please, contact Wolf Nymph!
For more information, check out Wolf Nymph's page here:
Her Journal post with more information.
Support your artists, they work hard to make amazing things!