
Jul 01, 2009 12:21

I like structure. It's something I've noticed about myself. If I can say "I will clean from 5-6." and stick to it, I'm happier than just saying "I'll clean tonight...some time." because some time never comes.

That's why I do really well on rigid structured diets, and plans.

So, my week (That's Mon-Friday) Will look like this:

4:30: Wake up
5:00: Gym (Mon/Wed/Fri) Swimming (Tues/Thurs) Circuit weight training
6:00: Go home, take care of self/cat/room
7:00: Hop on the bike, bike to BART (This takes about twenty minutes)
7:20: Go to work
8:20: Work!
5:00: Head home
6:00: Hop on the bike, bike back home (This takes ten minutes!)
6:30: uStream sketches or Sacred Grounds or work on websites or other projects
10:30: Hit the hay!

During these times, starting in August, the food I'll be eating will be NutriSystem foods. Because that makes it a lot easier. I don't have to think I just eat what's already ready and prepared for me. Perfect! No thought needed! Just microwave and go! (I'll be buying a microwave this month too...) Everything's delivered, and compared to the real crap I've been eating, I'm sure it'll taste just fine! (That's the one big complaint, the food doesn't taste good. Well, you all know I'll eat anything, so...perfect!)

They say it takes a month to start a habit. I'd really have to work to keep myself on this schedule. Like, work hard, and a lot to keep on top of it. But, with how I've changed my life, I'm almost certain that I can do it.

Weekends would be reserved for friends, going out, doing things, and LIVING. Because of work and my commute, I generally don't have much time for that on the week days. So, I'll get other obligations out of the way, and really enjoy the weekends to their fullest. See about hanging out with friends, going out to lunch, going on little adventures (Like hiking, or ghost towning!)

So, in the face of the new person I've become, that's where I'm headed. I'm getting those things I want improved on the table (Be a better artist (The sketches are already really taking off, I'm still SO HAPPY with them. Soon...I'll need to break into colors...), build websites, make Sacred Grounds something worth reading each week, lose weight) and I'm filling my time with things that I want (hang out with friends on weekends, go find out what's at the top of some of those hills here!) and actually start doing them.

I'm also very fortunate that all of my friends are very supportive of me. Thank you all.

to do, daily life

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