
Jun 02, 2009 14:58

So, I figured it out.

My body requires somewhere between 2,400-3,000 calories a day in order to maintain this weight. (That's 260lbs (or 118 kilo to my non US friends!)

Pfft! Not what I want!

I'm reducing it to around 1,000 calories a day using a careful meal plan to be sure I get all of the nutrients I need. For my "ideal" weight (of 130lbs or 59 kilo) I would be eating around 1,300 calories a day to maintain that, so it's not really all that awful to go down to a 1,000 calorie diet.

Until I start actually biking again, then I will bump it up to 1,500, as that will be changing my activity level, and I'll want enough calories to keep myself healthy every day! (The thing says that biking three times a week for 20-45 minutes is considered 'moderate'. My slow but constant biking is moderate for sure.)

Yes, this has all been carefully researched, doctor talked to, and all kinds of grand stuffs like that, so there's no worries!

Here's another funny thing. I'm not going to list weight in anything except for calorie information (this information changes as your weight changes). I don't care about the numbers, I care about how I feel and how my clothes fit!


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