I worry too much...

Apr 21, 2009 23:25

So, those of you who know me know I tend to worry.

Kitty cat woke me up when she started puking. She just heaved up some foam, like a dog who's not had enough excercise, hasn't eaten in a while, or was just overstressed.

I changed out her water, refilled her dry food, and put down some wet... She nibbled on the dry food, left the wet and the water. The water's always been full (It's one of those fountian ones...::Grins::) But I think I might start using bottled water for her.

She does tend to prefer to drink out of the toilet still.

I think today just...stressed her out really badly. She's here against my leg, snuggled up, purring.

It's also hot in there. We're pretty used to it being cold.

::Grins:: She just got up and started nomming down on her hard food again. Maybe she missed it. I'm jut a worry wart when it comes to my pets. Now she's after the soft food! That makes me feel a little better. I've got the fan on...but to be honest I need one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Bionaire-BW2300-Window-Remote-Control/dp/B000065DKJ

Well, I'm happy. She ate and she's back to her usual talkative self. Her ears perked, looking around curiously. She seems to be feeling better. ::Grins::


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