No, I'm not telling you which car is mine either

Sep 23, 2011 19:33

One month down! It finally got hard this week, but if I can have two difficult days for every month of teaching, I will take it! My kids are brilliant and astoundingly dense by turns (how can you do cubic numbers in your head but not be able to add decimals? HOW?) And just generally their little wacky endearing selves.

They have also found me on facebook, due to the youth minister, whom I vaguely knew in college, calling me by my first name. (My last name isn't on facebook, I have a weird and made-up first name. Also, my picture is the name-plate from my door. In retrospect, not a good choice for anonymity). I knew it would happen eventually, I just thought I'd have more time. :( Their stalkery nature has won out! (Seriously, they asked me every day where my house was for a week. I AM NOT TELLING YOU!)

Fun Catholic fact of the week: Much like swimming, you are not supposed to eat for a half-hour before Communion. I had baked celebratory muffins after our fundraising success, and if one of the early-morning kids hadn't piped up, my half of the seventh grade would have stayed seated through Mass. As the only non-Catholic on staff, possibly in the school, that is really not the kind of influence I want to be known for.

As it stands, only six of the twenty-eight had to stay behind, and a few got blessings instead. I'll take it.

Now, I absolutely don't have the time because of the wedding I'm attending tomorrow, but I am taking part of the evening off to read silly Julia Quinn novels and not think about anyone or anything related to the school.

teaching, religion, almost catholic, year one, life and times of

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