(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 10:21

ah! Okay soo last night was a blast, today Lily, Sammie and maybe Fernanda are gonna come over to do c's. I don't know about fernandoa yet! Anyway some other people are supposed to come over also, whatever.
About yesterday, it was mad fun, I missed these people.

pitures! :)

We got caught in the rain, we had to run a few blocks. :/this is before the liqour, i swear.

Hahahaha.. Luis and Carlos taking off their shirts, to have sex of course ;)

More proof carlos is gay..

You can tell how thrilled I am.. J/k I had mad fun.

Aw they're conversing..

Lillian's trying to pretend to be a hardcore drinker, yeah ok.

Lily pretending even more that she's a hardcore drinker, yeah ok lilly get real.<3

I was hiding everyones shoe(s) :)
thats why epople should never piss me off! or fall asleep..

We tried being cool, and my fatass is the main thing to look at while samanthas touching me everywhere. Ew.

She moved away from me :[


Luis Lily and Gustavo..

Lennie cooking for us :)

and back on the train...

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