*taps microphone* Hellooooo? Any Harvey fans still here?
I love Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent from THE DARK KNIGHT as much as anyone else, but for me, my heart lies with the original character from the comics. I've been a fan of Two-Face since I was a wee sprat, and while I was overjoyed to see the character get an influx of appreciation, it saddened me that there still wasn't a site dedicated to everything related to Harvey Dent, especially from the comics.
So I went and started my own.
about_faces about_faces about_faces about_faces Hopefully that got your attention. ;)
It's my own still-in-progress fanblog dedicated to all things Two-Face!
Right now, it's been pretty expressly focused on in-depth analysis and scans of specific story lines, including
"Eye of the Beholder," the definitive Harvey origin story (whose influence can directly be seen in THE DARK KNIGHT),
the mysterious new vigilante known as "Janus" (whoever could it be?!), and the first two posts in a series exploring how Harvey is the Trial by Fire for the Robins:
Part 1 is dedicated to Jason and Tim, while my newest
is the first of several to focus on Dick Grayson.
Other things I plan to include:
--news on the latest neat Harvey-related comics and merchandise
--exploration on the themes of duality in literature and philosophy
--links to fanfic and fanart of note
--opinion pieces on other Batman rogues: what they represent, what makes them great, and how they could be better used in comics
--and much, much more.
So yeah, if you're a fan of Harv from any iteration--be it the comics, the animated series, THE DARK KNIGHT, or hell, even BATMAN FOREVER (I won't judge! Much!)--come on by and share your thoughts, opinions, diverging opinions, whatever! All you need is a love for the character, because let's face it, the poor crazy bastard needs all he can get.
(cross-posted to
worldofdent, just to cover as much ground as I can)