People Need to lern to move on.

Jul 27, 2008 00:36

   Every one at some pount in there life has hated some one, For one reason or another. Most of us grow up and let it go and say "ok I dont like this person so i wont interact with them." But by doing this we are still nice to the poeple 
we care about.  So if some one you dont like walks in a room with some one you know and care about, Option A do you treat both like crap Or option B grow up  and be nice to both. I normaly take option B my self. There are a few people I cant stand that some of my friends love so I am nice to both when in there company. Some people cant seem to do this eather because they never lerned how or they like feeling pissed at the world and are all ways looking to blame some one for there problems. 
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