Win or die

Oct 02, 2008 21:08

win or die
Name: Matt
How did you find out about the community? If it's through an LJ user, please tell us who it is:
Age: 29
Location: East Finchley
Occupation: Accountant, and former PhD molecular biologist

All About You

1. Describe your ideal house/home. Please go into as much detail as possible, and be sure to include your ideal geographical location in the description!.

I imagine my ideal house as being a large country house, old but well maintained, situated within large grounds, located in the country, but also not too remote from a city or large town (within reasonable driving distance).  The house itself would be big, but not too big - perhaps five bedrooms of a good size; three floors and very spacious.  The house would have an old feel yet have all the modern comforts.  Wood and stone would be the chief look.  The downstairs would have a large kitchen which would form the heart of the house with a dining area attached.  Separate lounge, breakfast room and office.  There would also be a more formal dining room for when hosting.  A glass conservatory would overlook a large garden: the garden would be divided into sections including an orchard and a water-garden as well as a tended lawn.  I would like to be near an area of wild park land - being near or in the Peak District would be great.

2. Name three things you are afraid of. Explain.

1. Something bad happening to my family - need I say more!
2. Being in some way incapacitated such that I am then dependent on other people.
3. Being average - bit of an odd one, but I am very competitive and like to be, if not the best, then at least very good, at what I do.

3. What is your favorite aspect of your physical appearance and why? I'm quite naturally stocky and strong.

4. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would you change and why?
At 5'8'' I feel short - it doesn't bother me, but if I could, say, flick a switch I'd like to be about 6'.

5. Imagine you’re given the classic opportunity: a genie granting you three wishes. What would you wish for? Wishing for more wishes is not permitted!

1. Good luck for me and my family - such that fortune always swings our way.
2. Greater intelligence (I'm not stupid, I just want to be very very clever - I'd use it for good!).
3. I'm not sure - something to help cure the ills of the world.  But then I think that suffering is a necessary part of life. Hmmm.

6. In your life so far, what accomplishment are you the most proud of? You can list more than one if you have trouble deciding. ;)

1. Becoming a qualified accountant (very hard work and has financially sorted me out).
2. Getting lots of academic qualifications.

7. Which of the following is most important to you: Love, Money, Knowledge, Family, Friendship, Adventure, or Pleasure? Which is the least important to you?

Most important - family
Least important - adventure

8. What's one quote (or passage, song lyric, etc.) that effectively describes you and your values?

"The way a crow shook down on me
A dust of snow from a Hemlock tree,
Has given my heart a change of mood,
And saved some part of a day I had rued"

(I put a lot of stock in the little things).

9. How do you manage your money? On that note, how important is money/financial security to you?

Financial security is VERY important to me.  I am very good at managing my finances, saving and budgeting.  I save a set amount each month and place it where I can get most interest.  I am an accountant after all.

10. Name (and elaborate on) some of your hobbies. What are your favorite things to do outside of school/the office?

Training - an all encompassing work that I use to cover the various physical activities I do.  I used to wrestle/grapple and do mixed martial arts and partly to support that (and also because I like it) I go to the gym regularly.  My workout is primarily for strength and mass with a large amount of core focus.

Reading - I love reading.  I read all the time and can dive into a book for hours.  My tastes range from factual books about history or science to fantasy to 19th century humour (Three Men in a Boat is one of my favourite books).  One day I would like to write, but I suppose most people do!

Theatre - both watching and doing; mostly musical theatre.  I did theatre all through Uni and have done a few productions with a local group.  Watching theatre I like dark, clever or funny.  Avenue Q is amazing as is Sweeney Todd.

Music - I play piano and guitar and also like to sing.  I'd like to put a band together at some point.  Years ago there were a few of us who used to play together, but it never went anywhere.  It's more a dabble than anything else.

Comedy - I love comedy in all its forms.  Watching live comedy is my idea of a great night out.  I grew up on Marx brothers, Chaplain, Monty Python and later the Simpsons, Fraser, Seinfeld and even later than that Futurama, Peep Show and Curb your Enthusiasm.

11. Name (and elaborate on) your top three BEST and top three WORST qualities (personality-related, not physical).

1. Intelligence - I'm no dullard whatever else you might say about me. 
2. Honourable - I have an ethical code I pretty much stick to.  I try to help people when I can and will put myself out to do so.
3. Sincerity - I dislike lying, though of course I do do it sometimes.  I tend to wear how I feel on my sleave.

1. Touchy - I can get angry about things.  Sometimes it is deserved, sometimes not, but I can get enraged and it's not very nice.
2. Pessimist - even I think I should bloody well cheer up sometimes.
3. Self-involved - I can be a bit too obsessed with my own problems to see other people sometimes.

A Song of Ice and Fire Related

1.Which is your favorite book of the series so far? What about your least favorite?

Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings take joint first place - so much happens in these books with so much history introduced and the characters are created.  Wonderful.  Although I love it, Feast For Crows may be my least favourite.  Cersei getting locked up is a relief, but Samwell gets on my nerves a great deal and there's so little of the other great characters.

2.Who are your favorite three characters in the series?

1. Tyrion Lannister - his sharp intellect and quick wit are a joy to read about.  He survives and flourishes even when the odds are stacked against him. His flaw in his runaway mouth makes him more likeable.  If only Tywin had seen realised what he had in this son.

2. Jaime Lannister - OK, he's a bastard at first but he changes.  The removal of his sword hand could have broken him but instead he turned his mind into a weapon.  He's still honing it and he's no Tyrion yet, but his new found sense of honour makes me want him to come out of this on the winning side.  Unlike many of the characters he managed to evolve rather than die when change came.

3. Jojen and Meera Reed - a cheat, but I think these two occupy the space of one character in two parts if you see what I mean.  I know they aren't big characters but they are essential and they are likeable.  They seem to represent the higher essence of existence, as they are more concerned with spiritually guiding Bran than with conquest or accumulating honour or wealth.

3.Who are your least favorite three characters in the series?

1)Samwell - OK, he's nice and has good qualities but when I have to read about him at any length I find myself grinding my teeth.  He's just such a big girl's blouse.

2) Catalyn - why?  Well let's think about it: she kidnapped Tyrion on nothing more than Littlefingers word thus precipitating the entire war, she then let Jaime Lannister free ensuring the death of her son, now he's a cold hearted zombie killing everyone.  She has always had good intentions, but we all know the place good intentions pave the way to.

3) Walder Frey - let's hope the Gods turn him into a big rat for breaking the guest right.  Nasty, self-obsessed old man.

4.#1 Favorite moment in all of ASOIAF so far?

Daenerys taking Meereen.  I like the build up to this with the sacking of the other two cities, as well as the killing of Oznak zo Pahl by Strong Belwas, the sewer attack and the general culmination of Daenerys conquest which builds on Astapor and Yunki.  Also has Barristan revealing his identity.

5. In your dream-world, how would you like to see the series end?

While Westeros tries to rebuild numerous parties seek Daenerys to take her dragons.  The action is therefore divided between the political and social turmoil in the South and the growing threat beyond the wall.  Daenerys repels all attempts to take her dragons and grows stronger while her dragons grow larger.  Westeros remains divided with the religious sect gaining more and more power and becoming the new threat to Tommen and the Lannisters power.  Later, as Winter sets in the wall ends up being destroyed allowing the Others through and an all out battle for Westeros ensues, with Westeros uniting against the common threat.  Daenerys turns up at the last minute with her army and Dragons to turn the tide.  The Others are defeated once and for all and the night's watch no longer needed freeing Jon of his obligation.  Jon is then free to pursue his heritage which we will discover is some way (I have no idea how).  Daenerys takes the throne.  Bran does something spectacular as a result of his trip to the North and becomes Lord of Winterfell.

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