Hi everyone! We have an applicant who wishes to be resorted before Game Eight. When you have a chance please look over the application and place your vote.
You will earn the regular 5 points for sorting, to be applied to your totals for the first batch of Game Eight. It does not count toward perfect sorting bonuses, however.
This user will remain anonymous until s/he is sorted. If you know who this person is, please don't go announcing it, as we want to have other members be as unbiased as possible.
Please sort by Thursday at 12:01 AM EST. (Midnight on Wednesday.)
All About You
1. Describe your ideal house/home. Please go into as much detail as possible, and be sure to include your ideal geographical location in the description!.
There is no -one- ideal location for me, to be honest. I've lived in a lot of different places that I've really loved - Georgia, New Orleans, Los Angeles. What I've learned is that geographical features and cost of living aside, these places aren't that different from one another. My ideal home would have to include a method of getting to all these places and more, though. I love to travel. There are so many places I'd like to visit. So much I'd like to do and see.
Of course, my house would also be full of technology. iPhone's and iPads and computers. Video games, big screen tv's, etc. there'd be a pool and a hot tub. There would be people to cook and clean for me, because I'm lazy.
And my best friend would have to live there, because I'm ridiculously attached to having her around. The same applies to my cat, because I can't sleep without her curled up against me.
2. Imagine you’re given the classic opportunity: a genie granting you three wishes. What would you wish for? Please be as elaborate as you can. Wishing for more wishes is not permitted!
Financial Security - This is the biggest thing for me, partially because it's something I've never really had. I would wish for the means to pay my bills and still be able to afford all the little things I want. All the knitting supplies I'm coveting. A trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
A healthy/fit body. I am out of shape. I am a little overweight, I get winded easily. I'm not happy with my weight or my fitness level, but I find it so hard to eat right and exercise. I'm hungry, like, ALL THE TIME! I always seem to put off exercise, because I get distracted by other things - like roleplaying and Twitter and games on Facebook - and eating ALL THE THINGS when you don't exercise isn't real conducive to not being fat. It would be cool if I could just magically be in good shape without having to put effort into it.
The ability to teleport - As stated, I love seeing new places and things. I also have a really spread out circle of family and friends. It would be really convenient if I could just poof to wherever I wanted to be. Then I could visit all the places I want to visit, I could hang out with whoever I wanted to hang out with. Distance would never be an issue. And I wouldn't have to miss things like Disneyland and In n Out burgers.
3. In your life so far, what accomplishment are you the most proud of? Why? You can list more than one if you have trouble deciding. ;)
I don't have a lot of major accomplishments. It would be easier to list the things I want to accomplish - I want to finish my college degree, I want to find a better job, I want to become more financially stable, I want to move out into a place of my own. I haven't accomplished any of those things yet, but I'm working on them.
I know this is a kind of a cop-out, but I honestly don't have any real major accomplishments that I feel are worthy of this question.
4. Which of the following is most important to you: Love, Money, Knowledge, Family, Friendship, Adventure, or Pleasure? Which is the least important to you? Please explain why for each choice.
Friendship - If we're talking about my BEST FRIEND, this comes first. I have a lot of "friends" but I'm not CLOSE to many people. Generally speaking, though, my best friend comes first. She gets a level of loyalty and priority that very few others do.
Money, Adventure, Knowledge and Family are all somewhere in the middle. Money is pretty high up there, because I need it to survive. Knowledge is slightly lower, but it's still up there, because I HATE not knowing something. Adventure is what makes life interesting. Family is importantish. Not at the top of the list, but I do love my family - specifically my mom and my sisters are important to me. I can go days at a time without talking to them, though, do obviously I do have other priorities, too.
Love and pleasure are closer to the bottom of the list. I'm not a huge pleasure seeker and love... Well it's definitely not my top priority. I'm too much of a cynic, I think, to really have "true love" anyway. You can't have love without trust, after all, and I trust very few people.
Of course, I'm assuming we're talking about physical pleasure here. If we're talking happiness or passion, it's a lot further up the list.
5. What's one quote (or passage, song lyric, etc.) that effectively describes you and your values? Explain.
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They aren't fond of rules and the have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the wold
are the ones who do.
It's no real secret to anyone who knows me that I am an Apple fangirl and that Steve Jobs was a big personal hero of mine. This is absolutely my favorite ad campaign of all time. Watching the commercial on YouTube still gives me chills. The message in this just really resonates with me, especially the last part. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Steve Jobs also coined the phrase "stay hungry, stay foolish." To me, what it all means is that you have to live your life with passion. You have to take risks. If you fall, you'll just get back up again, but if you don't take the risk, you'll never know how great you could have been. And if you don't feel passionately about what you're doing, if you don't stand for what you believe in, if you don't live your live with hunger and passion for everything you'll do, you'll always feel like you're missing something.
I could list about a million more quotes here, but they all pretty much carry the same or a similar message. My favorite songs and quotes tends to be about passion, empowerment, confidence. You have the power to do anything you set your mind and heart to, it's just all up to you to make it happen.
6. How do you manage your money? On that note, how important is money/financial security to you? Go into as much detail as you can.
I feel like I'd manage it better if I had more of it, but I will admit that when I have money to spend, I'm a bit of an impulse spender. There's a lot of stuff I want! Financial security is something that is extremely important to me. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be important to everyone. I want to have enough money to pay my bills. I want to have a little extra left over to be able to enjoy life. I don't need to be rich (though I certainly wouldn't hate it), but I like to joke that whoever says money can't buy happiness has never been in an Apple Store just doesn't know where to shop. Maybe there are more important things in life, but I've struggled with my finances all of my life and I can't help thinking that having money would make life easier, if not a little better.
7. Name (and elaborate on) some of your hobbies. What are your favorite things to do outside of school/the office?
Knitting - I'm just learning to do this, but I really enjoy knitting. It's been filling a lot of my free time lately.
Roleplaying - I run a couple of small, casual RPs and I really enjoy it most of the time. I've been taking kind of a break from it lately, but I would still consider it one of my hobbies.
Graphics/Web Design - I like to dabble in Photoshop and Dreamweaver. I enjoy playing with HTML/CSS, I like making icons and other graphics.
8. Name three things you are afraid of. Explain.
Heights - I am so afraid of heights. Getting up on ladders makes me dizzy 90% of the time, I hate flying, I avoid things that require me to be in high places. I legit get dizzy if I am anywhere high where I can see over the edge. I've had to face that fear a number of times at work with ladders, but even though I can force myself to climb that ladder when I have to, the fear hasn't completely gone away.
Failure - See above for the details, but I'm afraid I won't be able to accomplish the things I want to in life. I'm afraid that at the end of my life, I won't have done anything that means anything, that I'll be stuck working in an entry-level job at Walmart forever. Sure, it's not the worst job in the world and I'm grateful to have A job, but it's not what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Small Spaces - I'm claustrophobic. When I get in a large crowd, especially if it's stuffy or a small space, I have trouble breathing. I actually experienced this at the midnight release of the last Harry Potter movie. Luckily, we were outside, so I was able to step away from the crowd while my friends held our place in line, but I legit stood IN THE RAIN rather than staying crowded under the roof with all of those people, because I couldn't stand feeling enclosed by all of those bodies.
9. Name (and elaborate on) your top three BEST and top three WORST qualities (personality-related, not physical). Please answer as fully as you can, as this is an important question.
Narrowing this down to only 3 is SO hard.
I am determined. I don't let life get me down for long. I don't let disappointments ground me forever. I'll sulk for a little while and then I'll pick myself back up and try again. I'm determined to get what I want out of life. I don't sit around and wait for things to happen. I make them happen, because I've learned that no one is going to hand you the things you want. If you want something out of life, you have to go our and MAKE IT HAPPEN yourself.
I am passionate. I have a lot of passion for various things and for life in general. I'm passionate about the things that interest me, almost to the point of obsession. I'm passionate about the people I care about. I don't have a LOT of people in my life who I'm close to, but there's really no middle ground. The people I do love, I love with my whole heart. This passion means that I pursue my interests with everything I am. This has some bad sides, too, of course, but we'll discuss that down under temper. ;)
I am intelligent. I have a good mind. Not just in terms of book-smarts, although I do like to read, but I possess a certain amount of common sense and I'm good at figuring things out. I'm good at finding solutions to problems, I'm good at fixing things when they break. I'm good at reading directions and figuring out what to do. You can hand me a task I've never done before and I'll figure out how to do it, somehow. I'm really good at using my resources that way. I'm good at figuring out how things work. We have these self-serve photo kiosks at work and no one ever had to show me how to use them. People always seem to be amazed by how good I am with them, but... I TAUGHT MYSELF. They're intuitive and I'm naturally good with technology/learning new things. A lot of the things I know are like that, though. If something comes up that I don't know the answer to, I just Google it. It's amazing what you can learn when you don't expect someone else to hold your hand through everything.
I am stubborn. This is kind of in line with my determination, but it has a bad side, too. I tend to hold on to my ideas and beliefs forever. I don't like admitting I'm wrong. I don't back down. I hold grudges like crazy. Once you get on my bad side, it's really hard to get off of it again. Also, the quickest way to get me to NOT to something is to tell me I have to do it. Case in point, I'm a member of a community that had a weekly ~Wall of Shame for people who didn't sort their quota each week. In it, they would suggest people resign or go on hiatus if they weren't going to participate so it didn't affect the house. This made me not want to do ANYTHING, including sort. You can't shame or guilt me into doing what you want me to do. Bribe, yes, but guilt and shame and telling me I HAVE to? That'll just make me want to do the OPPOSITE of what you want me to do.
I have a temper. I can rage like nobody's business. When I get mad, it's not a pretty thing. I will bitch and rage and throw a fit. I don't always show this face to the world, but my best friend can attest to how angry I get. I'll curse and scream and be ready to hit things. Even once I calm down, my anger doesn't disappear. See above, but I'll hold a grudge for a long time. I'll stay angry for a long time. I don't forgive easily, especially if my trust has been broken.
I am distant. I don't get close to very many people. I don't want to give them that kind of ~power. I don't trust others. I don't rely on others. I'm very independent as a rule, but a lot of it is that I don't want to rely on others for my happiness or my well-being. They say if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself and that's something I really believe in for my own life. I don't want to give anyone but me the power to affect my life. A big part of that is just not letting people in, keeping them at a distance. If I don't let them get close, if I don't let myself care about them too much, they can't hurt me.
A Song of Ice and Fire Related
1.How many books from the series have you completed? All of them. :)
2.Who are your favorite three characters in the series? Why?
Danaerys Targaryen - She is so fierce. More than that, though, I have loved watching her grow up through the series. In the beginning, she was very much in her brother's shadow. She was a scared little girl. I loved watching her grow out of that fear, stand up to him and become such an amazing and powerful woman. I love how passionate she is. I love how she always stands up for what she thinks is right, even when her advisors are tellings her to do otherwise. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and she does her best to live by it. I really admire that in her.
Jon Snow - I feel in love with Jon Snow pretty much at first sight. I think a part of me identified with that outsider feeling. He was a Stark, but he wasn't one. No matter how much he loved his siblings and his father, he wasn't one of them. He was a partial outsider, he always somehow stood apart from them even though he desperately wanted to belong. And then he went to the wall and turned into a freaking BAMF. From the very beginning, it was obviously he was going to do great things. He's a natural leader, he does whatever he has to do. I'm going to be SO pissed if he's dead. SO pissed Jon's chapters have always been amongst my favorites in the books. He's far from perfect, but I love him for his flaws, too.
Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion makes me laugh 90% of the time. He has no filter. He says what he thinks and he usually gets smacked or otherwise punished for it, but i love that about him. I love how ballsy he is. He's a dwarf, but he doesn't act like one. He doesn't let his size get in the way of his ambitions. He's extremely intelligent, he's cunning, but he also has this weird sense of chivalry to him. The main reason I love him, though, is for the things he says. I can always count on him to make me laugh, because he says the things everyone else won't say and he doesn't sugarcoat it.
3.Who are your least favorite three characters in the series? Why?
Viserys Targaryen - I was so glad when he was killed. So, so glad. Not only was he an idiot and a raving lunatic, but the way her treated Dany was horrible. The way he spoke to her, the way he used her. He was horrible to her, he manipulated her. All for a crown he didn't deserve, except by blood. He would have made a HORRIBLE king.
Cersei Lannister - For one, she's a bitch. Maybe she didn't directly ask Jaime to push Bran, but I can see where he got that impression, because ~I believed it for the longest time. The way she flipped out about him SEEING THEM definitely led to Jaime's actions. She is just as responsible as he is, whether it was what she wanted or not. Beyond that, though, she really sucks at having power. She's so ambitious, but then when she gets the power, she screws everything up. She won't listen to any of the good advice she receives, she's too busy trying to depose Margaery to actually DO HER JOB as regent. It's laughable.
Catelyn Tully - Maybe it's not fair, but I really hate her for what she said to Jon. "It should have been you?" I don't care how much you hate the reminder that your husband allegedly had an affair with someone else. You don't say that to a kid. That was such a horrible thing to say and no excuse can justify it. On top of that, she was always trying to mother Robb even when he was AT WAR. She's the one who orchestrated the whole Frey marriage thing, too, so you could say she's indirectly responsible for the Red Wedding. I respect how protective she is of her children, but she makes a lot of bad, stupid decisions and I'm still really angry over that last scene with her and Brienne. They should have just let her stay dead.
4.#1 Favorite moment in all of ASOIAF so far? Why?
It's really hard to pick just one, but I'm going to go with the birth of the dragons. I hated that Drogo died. HATED it. I hated that Dany had to go through that, but watching her in that moment, watching her realize what she needed to do and do it. That whole moment of her giving birth to those dragons in the wake of losing her husband and her son was so powerful and it really symbolized to me what a fierce character she had become.
5. In your dream-world, how would you like to see the series end, and why?
Thanks to Tumblr, I'm kind of shipping Jon and Dany a little bit, so right now in my perfect world the two of them would hook up and share the throne, ruling Westeros together. Because Jon isn't dead, dammit. And while they are two of my favorite characters in the series, I think they're both also amazing leaders. I think out of everyone who is or was vying for the throne, they will do the best job as rulers. And maybe I'd just like them both to have their happy ending.