Beric Dondarrion is Azor Ahai

Jul 17, 2008 09:18

Beric Dondarrion is Azor Ahai? Melisandre keeps stating that Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai returned. He is to lead the fight, in R'hllor's name, against the threat of the Cold Other. But Stannis is kind of a failure, having been done in by wildfire. Some readers speculate that Dany is the return of Azor Ahai. Her house and dragons are of fire, pure fire, not chemical green wildfire. She gathers an army to storm Westeros and regain her throne. Yet, it seems that she is suited to use that same army against the invasion of wights and Others from beyond the Wall.

But what about Beric Dondarrion? After being ambushed by Gregor Clegane, he regrouped and leads the Brotherhood, protecting the smallfolks of the land, protecting the land. Six times he died, and six times he lived, thanks to the flame of R'hllor, breathed into him by the Red Priest Thoros. Why won't Dondarrion die? Is he Azor Ahai returned? Does R'hllor keep him alive to do his bidding, to defend the land from the Cold Other?
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