Everything I know, I learned from roleplaying

Nov 22, 2011 20:14

On Sunday I committed utterly horrifying calendar crime. Helen and Richard were expecting us for dinner and we didn't show up, because I thought it was next week. Simon says this has not happened in the ten years we've been together. Auuuggggh. I'm still a bit discombobulated. We'll go round next week, with more apologies!

Yesterday Ser Polley (on LJ? I forget usernames, I use this thing so infrequently) came round to visit, and gossip about life, work, weddings and Odyssey.

Today I played took part in a real-life freeform business continuity exercise at work. Ninety organisations participated. So... being able to absorb 30 pages of detailed brief is a useful skill after all. My boss thought the exercise was a special form of torture and couldn't wait for it to be over. I thought it was fun.
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