May 16, 2002 22:25
As always ive been doing some contructive self analysis. well the constructive bit is debatable, but there you go. After watching the tv program called The experiment, i wondered how i fitted into societies generally. Unfortunately, i concluded that im meant to be a follower, not a leader. Its not a great boost to my self esteem, but i must admit it. Leaders need to be creative, need to take risks, be flamboyant, hae charisma. I dont have any of these things, or at least not in any meaningful way.
I know that i should have better things to worry about, but it does worry me, as this is the time that i am formulating how i am going to be for the rest of my life and it worries me that i am destined to follow others. Its not so bad if i get someone good to follow, but with the absense of a good leader, im just stuck with whoever is nearest. Its true, i cant be alone, i need to be part of a group and i really am not the kind of person who can form their own group. I worry for myself, as i think that i could begin to lose my individuality, in an attempt to be accepted. My problem is that id often rather fit in than challenge the system. While most people are like this, i think that i shouldnt be